PA margin is more than .5%

Trump can't even do a recount in PA. It's fucking over lol.

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It's getting audited, son

If they find fraud in PA they will do a recount

There is no election fraud. There is no cheating. Accept the results. Accept the results. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden won.

Attached: The Is No War avatar the last airbender7.jpg (1030x821, 69.57K)

Even if he could, he lost on like 2 other states. People still coping there's a way out of this are utterly delusional.

>An automatic recount is not initiated by the Commonwealth

PA is the state that is guaranteed to be audited because their election committees ignored Supreme Court orders from both the state and the federal.

georgia is getting audited now too.

Michigan is also doing recounts after the 6000 vote swing in one county alone due to Dominion ballot error.

Wisconsin also uses this machine along with Arizona, and I believe Nevada, once there's proven fault in 2-3 states with the machine everyone will have to recount/audit their votes.

How much is the margin once Rudy has hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots tossed out?

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No they didn't.

I think it works like this. Auto recount the state pays for it. Non auto then Trump has to try to get Mexico to pay for it.

Fuck off and suicide, shill.

Yes he can you dumb fuck. It only has to be within .5% for the recount to be automatic and free of charge. If he wants to he can still file for a recount and pay the costs out of pocket.


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Are you convincing us or yourself?

What orders did they ignore?

Actually, yes they did.




Fraud this

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>paying costs out of pocket

lol ok

once all the illegal ballots are removed, biden will be winning by about 2%

First was to comply with the written law, and not the new rules for mail ins made by the lower courts.
They denied them, and insisted they werent binding.
Court makes another decree saying no it is binding, and respond by 2pm on Saturday (yesterday).
They didn’t respond at all. They are in open defiance of their state court and the federal court.

There is no fraud the United States Elections™.

what do you think that means user? do you think it will change the result?

Will I get a Judee wife?! I’ll accept the brainwashing if I get a cute wife

You know i pray to god trump wins but it would be the funniest thing on earth if they audit the ballots and found more illegal votes for trump than biden

Segregation of ballots received after Election Day. SCOTUS made the order but PA ignored it in favor of state law. PA will 100% undergo an audit before votes are certified
>ITT election committee fag

X to doubt :)

State speaker of the house has submitted for a full audit. Get fucked faggot.

they're even paying foreigners to shill now? sad.

Change your name to Kamala you fucking moron.

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