>it was all a scam
It was all a scam
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What stage of civilizational decline is this?
You know when Wile Coyote is hovering in the air before he falls in those old cartoons? That's about us at the moment.
I saw that and I couldn't believe it and thought I was hallucinating but then I realized it was real and I was like wtf is going on. Rudy has become a meme and laughing stock of the entire world.
>In the middle of CNN's latest story about Russians and Drumpf, they stop to do commercials for HIV prep drugs and KFC
We got em this time, boys
hahaha he had his press conference next to a dildo shop yesterday too
its so sad
try harder rabbi
>Biden says there's nothing more American than a brand new JEEP™©®! Buy one today!
I mean, Trump supporters are all clueless morons with zero self-awareness so it's probably fine to them.
>Rudy gets msm to draw attention to his video they would have otherwise ignored entirely