It was all a scam

>it was all a scam

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Other urls found in this thread:

What stage of civilizational decline is this?

You know when Wile Coyote is hovering in the air before he falls in those old cartoons? That's about us at the moment.

I saw that and I couldn't believe it and thought I was hallucinating but then I realized it was real and I was like wtf is going on. Rudy has become a meme and laughing stock of the entire world.

>In the middle of CNN's latest story about Russians and Drumpf, they stop to do commercials for HIV prep drugs and KFC
We got em this time, boys

hahaha he had his press conference next to a dildo shop yesterday too
its so sad

try harder rabbi

>Biden says there's nothing more American than a brand new JEEP™©®! Buy one today!

I mean, Trump supporters are all clueless morons with zero self-awareness so it's probably fine to them.

>Rudy gets msm to draw attention to his video they would have otherwise ignored entirely

Wake me up when his sponsor is Raid: Shadow Legends


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Isn't this just capitalism though

Uhm, it's different, nazi, because like, Biden didn't TELL people that it was an advertisement.


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What a retard

Why does the word rabbi make me laugh?

Did you see all the JEEPs on the biden parking lot, you dumb nigger faggot?

Capitalism unlimited

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Why is Trump surrounded by these washed up low class faggots? Don't get me wrong 1990's Guiliani = based as fuck, but he's now a fucking joke version of himself, that cunt Bannon is another one with his cringe as fuck streams punctuated every 7 minutes by ad breaks, trying to save America one asvert at a time, fucking frauds.

Based cigar-peddling rudy

>This next witness account is presented by Dunkin' Donuts. Starting after just one 15 second clip.

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Already gaining court funds!? We never stop winning.


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when it's convenient for leftists:
>female empowerment, wooooo!
>whats wrong with a woman pleasuring herself, stop slut shaming!!!
>sex workers are workers too!

when it's not convenient for leftistis:
>haha, stop looking at porn, you loser insel!
>holding a press conference next to a sex toy shop is trashy because those stores are trash
>you probably go to strip clubs and pay for sex too, since you can't get women on your own, hahaha!

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Could go for a stogy rn desu

You realize they did that on purpose right? They’re outside of a major democratic money laundering front. It sent shockwaves through the DNC.

Old people are generally retards

So Biden is guilty of breaking federal law against deceptive advertising? Neat.

What results has Rudy produced that makes Trump continue to pay him?

He seems kinda bad

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it’s a YouTube show anons, he’s been doing it for a long time

bitch he has his own youtube content. his been putting commercials in his videos for years. you finally get around to watch and you complain. come on man. thats a bunch of malarkey.

That's funny, I thought the EXACT same thing when I was watching it. Same with Bannon, always with the commercials.

Because we have become a country that is washed in nostalgia. It’s the only reason Biden has anything resembling support. Under what reasonable circumstances do we elect a 77 year man who is slurring words in public and needs his wife to remind him who his opponent is?

>it's another demoralization thread with coordinated discord tranny replies
it's Giuliani's podcast
herbs and spices

have sex incel and cope
hahahaha copeeee fucking qtard boomer

Idiocracy stage

The mainstream media reports on a cigar commercial? Are you actually retarded?

Say hello to my BALLOT BLEND

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Which cigar store you faggot? Do they ship to Finland? I so much want a Giuliani approved stogie for the PA election audit threads

>I'd like to talk to you about ducts.

>has become
son I...

It really would be something if he was alluding to victory cigars.

He's got his own production and sponsors retard.

> Degeneracy!
> Look at this BASED catboy sucking on a dildo while talking about the JQ

peak capitalism
don't like it? Venezuela has room in their graveyards

>hahaha right wingers aren't funded by megacorps and we are financially assaulting their media presence at all times and they have to insert hokey advertisements from the few companies that haven't boycotted them
>hahahaha credibility WRECKED, don't you know the resistance is a well funded and entrenched propaganda machine? Black lives matter cuck says so right on my Nike(TM)'s and even on Spotify playlists, checkmate establishment fascist control freak

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>ad for LifeLock

Why don’t they just pay LifeLock to find the election fraud?

looks bad for his supporters not the left. nobody on the left gives a flying fuck what rudy says

I'm glad I wasn't so invested in Trump that I can't laugh at this.

Omfg I’m about to piss my pants laughing praise Kek Heil Rudolph Guiliani

Haha, nice digits and great point.
Zig Forums BTFO as always.

>oh no he does the thing literally every youtuber does
>how dare he

>nooo! you can only play commercials by pro LGBT banks and pharmaceutical companies!
>anything else means youre just a grifter!

It's his podcast, it always had ads. As does NBC, CNN, ABC etc.

He is likely under contract to produce a certain amount within a certain timeframe

>Rudy Giuliani has become James Rolfe

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>>In be4 autists start looking into the cigar store and find out the 'advertisement' was some veiled taunt and the shop exhibits sketchy activity and money laundering like the four seasons landscaping

And so? The message still got thru lol.



Based sleeper agent Trump. He was /theirguy/ all along

First this, then the embarrassing presser in that run-down methlab parking lot. (I mean, there was a literal piss stain next to the podium!)
Just how low can they go?

Trump was always the lesser evil candidate for me. I can't imagine actually going out in the streets and protesting for the guy, let alone talk of a civil war. Wake me up when we have wignats running for president instead of civnats.

Q predicted this.

lol the Mafia must has lobotomize him in the 80.

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>the msm doesn't have advertisers
Kek, libtards are so brainwashed by tv that they don't even recognize commercials as commercials anymore.

yeah, I typically expect ads from the president's personal lawyer in the middle of a huge announcement of voter fraud.

The irreversible stage, the Goths are already shitting in Ravenna and Toledo.

My thoughts exactly.

What a fucking pathetic shit bag. You MIGAtards got fucking played lmao

CNN airs endless ads from big pharma during their propaganda.

Trump surrounded himself with the biggest fucking retards

So what, does the gaslighting MSM never showed a commercial?

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He should be shot. The punishment for heretical, satan worshipping, sodomite priests was death, and only death can purge this. The alter is smashed, the man should be next.
Church should have a squad that captures priests that are sodomites and demon worshippers.
Pray for the Mother Church

Are you guys getting your Triple Patriot Points (TM) for the Infowars Election Day Sale on test pills and schizo devices? :-)

Probably had some epstien adventures together

look , we have witnesses

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