I'm a tranny and /pol made me realize I was wrong. I was deluding myself using my discord hugbox friends
Now every time I look in mirror all I see is male skul, male bone structure and adam's apple I can take hormones all day long but that won't take my broad shoulders away I can mutilate my body but it won't take my adam's apple away I can shave my beard but it'll always grow back
One is born a woman and it's impossible to become one You broke me Zig Forums I'm not woman and I'll never become woman
Well done. Nurture your body as a man's body should be. Lift, walk in nature, confront your insecurities. Simply accepting the truth will take the taste of bile away.
Hey welcome back fren, its ok time rebuild yourself anew. Good luck on your journey, and realize you are now on the right side of history. You go DUDE!
Mason Stewart
good. the realisation is the first step towards healing.
Joseph Davis
Are you that broken pollack who's been bothering ptg? Welcome home faggot, now go make yourself great again