I'm a tranny and /pol made me realize I was wrong. I was deluding myself using my discord hugbox friends
Now every time I look in mirror all I see is male skul, male bone structure and adam's apple I can take hormones all day long but that won't take my broad shoulders away I can mutilate my body but it won't take my adam's apple away I can shave my beard but it'll always grow back
One is born a woman and it's impossible to become one You broke me Zig Forums I'm not woman and I'll never become woman
Well done. Nurture your body as a man's body should be. Lift, walk in nature, confront your insecurities. Simply accepting the truth will take the taste of bile away.
Hey welcome back fren, its ok time rebuild yourself anew. Good luck on your journey, and realize you are now on the right side of history. You go DUDE!
Mason Stewart
good. the realisation is the first step towards healing.
Joseph Davis
Are you that broken pollack who's been bothering ptg? Welcome home faggot, now go make yourself great again
You don't have to pass. You don't have to repress. You don't have to subscribe to any bullshit or identify a certain way. Just crossdress and be beautiful. Fuck everyone else.
Good news, everyone fucks up your body in some way. Try anyway and you'll at least be in a healthier state. Zig Forums has some good info
Angel Edwards
Congrats user you made it. I how you find peace. A question though. How much porn did you watch and what porn did you watch? A lot of these "transgenders" nowadays are just pornsick men
Having your dick is good, but the real thing to have is your testicles for manliness.
Eli Russell
NO we must be open to them, we must let them know if they make the right choice, they will be welcomed back with open arms. Their mind was poisoned, now is the time to heal.
Camden Turner
Well, you're right that men do not become women, but women do become women. You can only be a dickless man in drag and chemically disabled.
Hudson Miller
How Am I supposed to be beautiful? Every time I look into the mirror all I see is caricature of a woman Broad shoulders, manboobs, adam's apple how is that beautiful? I'm just a freak and I let others delude me into being one.
Adam Wright
Now the good news is unless you chopped it off you can still become a man. Lay off the tranny medication (slowly) and hit the gym. A Zig Forums bro is waiting for you.
Time to bang girls instead of trying to become one.
Alexander Cox
>fucked up my body with hormones pretty bad Don’t worry the body wants to be male. Everything you did will be undone.
Henry Carter
lift , eat better, go for a walk, drink some good beer , start a family in that order and you’ll make it
Zachary Ortiz
blame the cosmetic industry and advertisement industry
>polish >tranny pick one. this is a baitpost. trannies would be nailed to a cross in poland.
John Garcia
I pray for u user
stop this nonsense, be proud of your God given body
Aaron Young
You just need to hear one women say your handsome and you will get over all of that. Hit that gym, hit it with all the anger and sadness you feel. YOU CAN DO IT
You must be going through a lot of pain from the trauma your body took cutting off all that skin to make your fake penis. It is amazing you're able to wipe your make-up laden eyes to clear the tears away long enough to type a response . YOU. ARE. BRAVE.
Whatever man. Be whatever the fuck h want. I'm a monkey.
Adam Ward
Thanks anons I'll try But I doubt I could ever make a family or achieve something meaningful. I'm already into my late 20s with no education or achievements to speak of other than being a freak
Maybe in some rural area but the image my country has here doesn't really match reality
John Scott
Surgeons do not assign Gender. God does.
Thomas Wright
By looking like what you were meant to be. Animals get depressed and irritable when dyed unnatural colors or modified. They know what they should look like and so do you deep down. You will never be a beautiful woman, but you can be a man.
Wyatt Jackson
Yeah, I dont know about that dude. He was about ready to cut his dick off to "become a woman", so there might be another course to take to fulfill that literal inner welt of emptiness that made him want to pretend he could conceive life? not as a deluded fag on an anonymous image board.
Sebastian Murphy