Michael Cohen was on MSNBC this evening saying you won’t see dear leader on camera nor will you see him take questions. Cohen says Trump knows everyone is laughing at him and he sees himself as a loser and knows you do too. Cohen predicts Trump goes to Mar-a-LARDO and hides there until his term is up. Cohen says Trump knows he will be removed by force if he attempts to hang on past his expiration date as POTUS. Cohen went on to say that Trump, Don Jr, Eric & Ivanka will all go to prison after he leaves office. How does he know????? He’s been cooperating with prosecutors at the SDNY for the last year and has guided them to multiple instances of illegality that will become criminal prosecutions soon.
What a fucking loser but not gonna lie...CHUDS here on Zig Forums are even more pathetic than the Dahnald. You toads better start sending the pseudo billionaire some money, he needs it according to Cohen.
when did anyone give a fuck about what Cohen says?
Jacob Powell
You will never be a REAL woman. People see your broad hairy shoulders, your curveless body, your big masculine brow and nose, and 5o’clock shadow. You will never have a real vagina, just a rotten hole that smells like poo. Your mother is ashamed and embarassed by you. When you kill yourself she will pretend to cry but feel secretly relieved, and will put your birth name on your tombstone.
Stop taking the hormones now, it isn’t too late
You will never be a woman
Biden will never be president
Hudson Ross
only loser is the american people who da fuck votes to raise their own taxes? Losers, that's who.