Michael Cohen was on MSNBC this evening saying you won’t see dear leader on camera nor will you see him take questions. Cohen says Trump knows everyone is laughing at him and he sees himself as a loser and knows you do too. Cohen predicts Trump goes to Mar-a-LARDO and hides there until his term is up. Cohen says Trump knows he will be removed by force if he attempts to hang on past his expiration date as POTUS. Cohen went on to say that Trump, Don Jr, Eric & Ivanka will all go to prison after he leaves office. How does he know????? He’s been cooperating with prosecutors at the SDNY for the last year and has guided them to multiple instances of illegality that will become criminal prosecutions soon.

What a fucking loser but not gonna lie...CHUDS here on Zig Forums are even more pathetic than the Dahnald. You toads better start sending the pseudo billionaire some money, he needs it according to Cohen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who you talking to, who?!?

when did anyone give a fuck about what Cohen says?


You will never be a REAL woman. People see your broad hairy shoulders, your curveless body, your big masculine brow and nose, and 5o’clock shadow. You will never have a real vagina, just a rotten hole that smells like poo. Your mother is ashamed and embarassed by you. When you kill yourself she will pretend to cry but feel secretly relieved, and will put your birth name on your tombstone.

Stop taking the hormones now, it isn’t too late

You will never be a woman

Biden will never be president

only loser is the american people
who da fuck votes to raise their own taxes? Losers, that's who.

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How dare you even post this jew shit

>jew, MSNBC
Stopped here

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We see where the fraud is.

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Get ready to lube that asshole. Trump is gonna fuck it good.

You will never look like your anime twitter avatar

Jeezus, can any one man loose any more bigly?

Attached: C7A34C99-6156-47FD-922D-FA43CDA10FD0.jpg (532x1024, 109.95K) delete your account tranny


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Figures doesn’t it? I mean really now Jack!...this surprises no one.

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>with prosecutors at the SDNY for the last year and has guided them to multiple instances of illegality that will become criminal prosecutions soon.

Why do people keep dropping these meme "soon" shit? Either make a case and drop it like a hammer or don't. Rest of this post is obvious given how much of a faggot cuck trump has been acting since losing.


I Spit on your cancerous RED ARMY graves

LARPING for a civil war because your too much of a faggot to COPE & get over the fact your loser of a 1 term piece of US history GARBAGE lost due to more voter turnout in WORLD HISTORY.

Rope can be found at HD and LOWES & Most Local hardware stores.

Literally who?

omae wa mo shindeiru

Attached: jews are 3d.png (625x1052, 689.88K)

Yeah, the What We Do In The Shadows guy. What a fucking moron you are.

Haha theres so many kikes in broadcasting I don't even know which Michael Cohen it is.

>Either make a case
Cohen says the charges coming are:
Bank fraud
Insurance fraud
Wire fraud
Tax fraud
Charity fraud
2 campaign finance law felonies the he (Cohen) pleaded guilty too and Trump participated in as individual one.

He hinted there could be federal charges of perjury & witness tampering at a minimum.

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Will trump even have enough left to pay her off?

Great, let's audit the votes so we can find more fraudulent orange votes so we can laugh at him together, right comrade?

>It's about Trump guys it's the only reason why you'd want to fight our retarded Red Army leftist brigade of niggers, faggots and trannies!
Not even close.

>Literally who?
Ya know, the guy that Trump described as a son. His personal attorney for 10 years. Oh you’re being silly user...u know...we all know.

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Watching this asshole fall is SWEET!

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What about the 2016 campaign fraud where he bribed witnesses and lied about not being in debt to Russia? I always thought that was enough to make his election based on fraud and illegitimate

Not hiding.

Planning for his ascension when Biden and Harris are arrested for sedition and he names himself President for Life.

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>Trump is in hiding
>literally doing rallies
Are you actually this brainwashed?

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Wonder how many diapers he’s filled since last Tuesday?

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They’ll say anything and everything to try and demoralize this man, but he doesn’t fucking care

this has already been debunked

why are kikes such disgusting creatures

>Are you actually this brainwashed?
What rallies? The WH said last night he was going to none of them, if they even happen, and instead sending Jr & Eric.
He hasn’t been in front of a camera for days and he took no questions then.

>1 out of a million debunked
>no need to look at the other 999,999 cases
Election proves everyone sees right through these weak tactics.

>but he doesn’t fucking care
Nor do we...he’s a lame duck limp dick at this point. A joke.

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Hannity at 9pm EST.

>Hannity at 9pm EST.
lol...who cares?

Seeing a lot of this

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yikes dude this isn't even shilling this is just cope

you sound really nervous :)

So very true...but actually he will get another term...a prison term.

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The post said he wasn't going to appear in front of a camera you wannabe rib.

Have they actually happened yet? If not, fuck off. I'm not even a drumpf tard, when he started literally coping like a whiney bitch on live TV, but announcing totally not fake real charges is cringe.

This is a private blog, not an official SCOTUS twitter.

& I thought I was texting

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>Trump, Don jr, Eric & Ivanka will all go to prison
Right, just like George H. W. Bush.

>appear in front of a camera you wannabe rib.
lol...oh I appearance on Hannity counts? Are you sure it’s not just a phone interview? Let’s see him do a real presser. Won’t happen. FOX refers to Biden as POTUS elect every time they say his name.

>Jew betrays someone who trusted him
>This is completely unexpected, has never happened before
>Billionaire real estate mogul who became President is a loser guys!
>C-c-chuds BTFO!
It's really sad that your Frankenvagina will smell like feces for the rest of your short life.

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1st POTUS to be impeached in his first term.

1st POTUS to lose the popular vote twice.

Biggest & most multiple single day stock market drops in history on his watch.

Highest unemployment numbers in history on his watch.

Most Americans dead on his watch.

Most prolific liar in human history documented.

Worst businessman in planetary history based on the amount of money he “claims” he’s lost.

lol...truly a fucking MAGALOSER.


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Nigger faggot tranny jew cope.
The next republican president that comes in, dems will be sucking Trump's dirty dong just like they did Bush's.

>Michael Cohen
