Either accept it or republitard states can secede and continue to be ruled by the orange retard.
Let's see how long you mongs would last without gibs from blue states.
>unironic shitposter
post your discord.
Post state debts.
This, I wish magatard states would fuck off
Can we start another civil war? kill most of the red states again and be done with it?
Post the discord invitation link.
Post the discord invitation link.
Blue states all unironically have money problems and crippling debt.
Ah yes, here we have the standard republishit, who can't stand being wrong, and have to resort to either attacking someone's character, calling them a jew or tranny. You guys really love shooting yourselves in the foot while you're down don't you? Again, can we start another civil war to remind you useless inbreds your place again?
Considering the military is predominantly red, I'm ok with this. Fight off foreign invaders with your hrt, fags.