Either accept it or republitard states can secede and continue to be ruled by the orange retard.
Let's see how long you mongs would last without gibs from blue states.

Attached: BOPmapstatic.png (1497x673, 54.85K)

>unironic shitposter

post your discord.

Post state debts.

This, I wish magatard states would fuck off

Can we start another civil war? kill most of the red states again and be done with it?

Post the discord invitation link.

Post the discord invitation link.

Blue states all unironically have money problems and crippling debt.

Ah yes, here we have the standard republishit, who can't stand being wrong, and have to resort to either attacking someone's character, calling them a jew or tranny. You guys really love shooting yourselves in the foot while you're down don't you? Again, can we start another civil war to remind you useless inbreds your place again?

Considering the military is predominantly red, I'm ok with this. Fight off foreign invaders with your hrt, fags.

Post the discord invitation link.

you do realize the majority of food that blue states get is from the flyover states you call hicks right

LOL, literally don't need your useless states.

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This is a Bidapedo cope thread.

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Lol you broke almost too easily.

Oh, and you will never be a woman.

Keith olberman that you?

Is this a civil war reference? Because I don't know what your college Profs told you, but it was the Republicans that kicked the Democrat's ass.

>biden cope
But we won lol

I'm still waiting
Post the discord invitation link.

California doesn't have any water, retard

And the agricultural areas are solid Republican

southern states have more niggers

OP is resorting to Bidenpede Larping and refuses to link his little shit raid discord channel *(pussy/btfo)

here's a superior thread with a superior banger attached to it;

Delusional, but if you're that interested in trannies (which you probably actually are as republicans are responsible for all the blacked shit and other weird fetishes in this country) google and pornhub exist

Doesn't look like it

Attached: 1776.gif (700x700, 684.41K)

Do they compensate you with HRT? Trump won

>so what if democrats win every tech and business center in America??? You'd all be starving without our corn and basedbeans!

oh don't forget that retards in MAGA country needed government assistance because their man's retarded economic policies prevented them from selling their worthless crops to China for animal feed

lmaoing at your lives

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The state could literally survive as it's own country you fucking idiot, 5th largest economy in the world if it were, your backwater on the other hand? could not.

That map has been debunked.

Take the finance sector out of this map and lets see how dark green NY/NJ/CT/IL are....

>That map has been debunked
>Take the finance sector out of this map and lets see how dark green NY/NJ/CT/IL are....

Attached: 1604889435417.jpg (866x900, 123.69K)

pick up a rifle or shut your faggot mouth.

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> Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad. Orange man bad.

Let me guess. Next time you're gonna ask the blacklisted republicans, who will just get their houses burned to "unite" maybe? Or create "National Democratization Training Centers"?
No, my friend.

Better dead then democrat.

I mean when you die you will vote democrat, but you get the point.

Let's see you try to change the territorial integrity of the USA and live longer than six minutes.
Even in California only 10 out of 25 million people voted Democrat.
Give it a test and see who is going to dump their loyalty to the USA and swear their allegiance to party over country.

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Those states are green because without them you'd fucking starve to death.

All gibs go to blue cities ,retard

How retarded do you have to be to spout this meme? California alone would feed all the blue states.

Blue states give more than they take, learn to read a map you fucking moron.

>Give it a test and see who is going to dump their loyalty to the USA and swear their allegiance to party over country.
That's what MAGAtards are doing. You simply can't accept your loss.

The green states would be fine without red state money. Just cut off the welfare and housing for our Democratic minorities, and pay only for reasonable defense (not a bloated global force to protect Israel). Your states can continue paying for whatever bullshit you want, including the leeches who will leave our states. Separation really is the best for all involved.

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>states with big immigrant populations are green

... you realize you either starve or eat nothing but GMO rice forever right?

they would be as "fine" as the third world countries that rival their state GDP