My sister raised me too

My sister raised me too

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I think we should take all the property of black and minority people, send them home and give said property to people from the actual country.

if only mothers stayed at home and not work for mister shekelberg 9-5

Kid is nicer than me. I have a retarded little brother. My mom had him when I was nine. Kept telling her I didn't want to be an older brother and I wasn't going to be nice to it. Fucking little bastard wrecked high school for me. Had to watch him everyday. Just started letting him get hurt so I could do my homework. My older sister movedin with my dad within a month if him being born. I had no desire to be an older sibling so I just stopped being one after a couple years. No idea why parents expect their children to do this shit when the kid is so much younger.

I love it how these retards just make up shit.

I had to take care of my younger siblings when my mom was at work. Didn't do me too bad. Smacked the shit out of my bros though.


Yea senpai and so what? I raised my youngest brother when my parents split

Wow it looks like closing down schools and daycares and work was the worst idea for grade school students! Who would’ve thought.

Kinda weird how living off a single income is impossible as soon as women enter the workforce too en masse hehe.