My sister raised me too

My sister raised me too

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I think we should take all the property of black and minority people, send them home and give said property to people from the actual country.

if only mothers stayed at home and not work for mister shekelberg 9-5

Kid is nicer than me. I have a retarded little brother. My mom had him when I was nine. Kept telling her I didn't want to be an older brother and I wasn't going to be nice to it. Fucking little bastard wrecked high school for me. Had to watch him everyday. Just started letting him get hurt so I could do my homework. My older sister movedin with my dad within a month if him being born. I had no desire to be an older sibling so I just stopped being one after a couple years. No idea why parents expect their children to do this shit when the kid is so much younger.

I love it how these retards just make up shit.

I had to take care of my younger siblings when my mom was at work. Didn't do me too bad. Smacked the shit out of my bros though.


Yea senpai and so what? I raised my youngest brother when my parents split

Wow it looks like closing down schools and daycares and work was the worst idea for grade school students! Who would’ve thought.

Kinda weird how living off a single income is impossible as soon as women enter the workforce too en masse hehe.

Like they own something

you need to kill yourself immediately

my older brother was 5 years older than and my 1 year younger autistic little brother (asperger not break shit autism) and he got completely fucked in life

our dad has been doing life in prison and my mom was a bar slut who was never home and my older brother was forced to watch us constantly from ages 9-17

then finally he moved and then 2 months later developed severe paranoia schizophrenia and is super scary and crazy for 15 years straight now

guy got a raw deal entire life, did nothing to deserve it

if there is a god he gets off on cruelty to innocents

Democrats continually force people into poverty, force them to accept government handouts, shut down what is government funded child care, shut down small businesses over a virus with a 99.997 survival rate in school aged children and 99.98 survival rate in the adult working class.

This is what you get for voting for democrats.

yea if youre a nigger or a beaner, In which case I hate you, therefore anything you try to proclaim immediately gets ignored and discarded becuase you're genetically inferior to me.

Based, letting nature work itself out.

Stop with the blasphemy, God exists and is merciful to innocents you daft cunt, your brother was a sinner probably, sin is known to cause mental illnessess because of the consience reacting to our deeds.

genuine boomer faggot take
the republicans would do the same thing but also give money to israel
oh wait
the democrats do that too because they're both kike puppets. stop believing your pet party is gonna save you

says the sand nigger

>teach for liberation

I wonder what her political views are

Family members taking care of each other?? HOW DARE THEY, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE

>advocate for policies that create this exact scenario
>scenario occurs
I hate liberals and women so much brehs

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i was there the whole time and have a photographic memory, he was a fucking boyscout

You realise posts like this is what makes people dislike Christians right?

>the family raises itself and not some mentally ill old lady in a daycare for profit

Shitty education traps people in poverty. Teacher unions are the number one source of shitty education

This is what I thought, fucken daft to try and make it a sign of dark times or poor conditions out of teens looking after their young siblings

What do they expect? A state issued nanny? Their parents had more god damn kids than they had time to raise and stuck it on the oldest. In a time where effective and safe birth control is FREE in many areas and totally accessible in all others there is nothing to be said.

Sad story, I know for a fact schizophrenia often affects eldest children who live both neglect on one side and responsibilities over younger siblings for whom they have no idea how to care (they can't imitate their parents since they don't know how parents have to act given the neglect). I have one case in my environment exactly like your brother's. Disappeared and presumed dead while his brothers turned out relatively fine.

If this isn’t fake shill “hate thy parents” story then i would also wager moms the breadwinner and without that job(s) it’s government funded peasantry for them. 16 years old is far older than i was taking care of my siblings and it made me realize how hard my mom worked to get us above water. Fucking selfish cunts

>be a cheap as shit parent
>pandemic hits
>zoom classes
>"now I don't have to pay for daycare cause the kid's at home lol"

Which makes him immune to sinning, I suppose? It seems that in the history of the world there 2 beings free of sin - Jesus Christ and the entire Boy Scouts of America organisation.
Somebody hating something doesn't make it untrue. Just look at the today's society ridden with sin, moral corruption and oh wow, coincidentally, also mental ilnessess! Who would've thought?

This is in part because society doesn't raise people to be a full functioning adult by 15 like we use to.
Now you're an overgrown child that's handicapped and made to be a child that cares for other children until you're 18, and when you're finally out of school you're malformed and can't do much of anything for yourself.

It's more popular with Mexicans as far as I've seen (San Diego)

Truth hurts

>Women enter labour force
>Supply massively increases, women who would choose to stay at home forced to work
>Both parents away working to bring in the same money as before
>Children left to be raised by the media and state

gg women. Fucking everything up since Eden.

maybe if jews hadn't fucked the purchasing power of our currency only 1 parent would have to work and 1 could stay home at all times. also, "passing classes" should be the least of your worries right now

Sounds like a third world country without proper institutions
Oh yeah that's what the usa is

I have 4 older sisters, the oldest being 16 years older. As they went to college, then next one stepped in. My mom was not well often, maybe overwhelmed but generally loving and mostly cogent.