Zig Forums is totally larping about not taking the vaccine

In reality you’ll all get vaxed, like 90% of you. Why don’t people admit it? I admit it, they’ll make us take it.

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>In reality you’ll all get vaxed

Balance well doggo

balance well doggo


Well, Krauts won't have a choice.

Yes, and neither will most of Amerimutts

This vaxx deployment will go laughably wrong, like a fucking Roadrunner gag.

Except I won't

According to the priority list, I'm pretty much rock bottom so very unlikely to get vaccinated
Not that I really care cause I'm not an anti-vaxxer retard

Ooh, ya sehr gutt Mohammad, habe eine bonbon

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Q: Why there were no resistance movement in Germany after IIWW
A: Because occupants forbade

“balance well doggo”

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo. What are they gonna do, strap me in a chair?

Balance well doggo

>Balance well doggo
>In reality you’ll all get vaxed, like 90% of you.

Balance well doggo

I am willing to read every document in great detail before signing. I dont care whose "time" it wastes.
I am a man and its my consent

Balance well doggo

balance well doggo

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i worked in a normy office in the spring and summer 2020, and they all believed the covid bulshit 100%. A large percentage of the population will take the kikecine if the gov just tell them to take it every day for a month. Coaxing the reminder of people to take in may not be necessary. The pension kikes are planning on lethal kikecines for boomers the next 5 years. Boomers in the UK love their annual winter flu kikecines, uptake is very high. Either boomers will be convinced to take the covidcine next year, or the kikes will do a winter-flu & covid in a single kikecine next year, compelling boomers to take it. They will all be murdered.

Balance well doggo

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Balance well dogo

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Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

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balanced doggo

Ah! That familiar nasal sting Of old pasta
Balance well, Doggo

How so?

Balance well doggo

I don't even get my yearly physical, why would I make the effort to get a thing I don't want?

I dont get flu vaxxed and I wont get corona vaxxed either
fuck off

b a l a n c e w e l l d o g g o

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo