In reality you’ll all get vaxed, like 90% of you. Why don’t people admit it? I admit it, they’ll make us take it.
Zig Forums is totally larping about not taking the vaccine
>In reality you’ll all get vaxed
Balance well doggo
balance well doggo
Well, Krauts won't have a choice.
Yes, and neither will most of Amerimutts
This vaxx deployment will go laughably wrong, like a fucking Roadrunner gag.
Except I won't
According to the priority list, I'm pretty much rock bottom so very unlikely to get vaccinated
Not that I really care cause I'm not an anti-vaxxer retard
Ooh, ya sehr gutt Mohammad, habe eine bonbon
Q: Why there were no resistance movement in Germany after IIWW
A: Because occupants forbade
“balance well doggo”
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo. What are they gonna do, strap me in a chair?
Balance well doggo
>Balance well doggo
>In reality you’ll all get vaxed, like 90% of you.
Balance well doggo
I am willing to read every document in great detail before signing. I dont care whose "time" it wastes.
I am a man and its my consent
Balance well doggo
balance well doggo
i worked in a normy office in the spring and summer 2020, and they all believed the covid bulshit 100%. A large percentage of the population will take the kikecine if the gov just tell them to take it every day for a month. Coaxing the reminder of people to take in may not be necessary. The pension kikes are planning on lethal kikecines for boomers the next 5 years. Boomers in the UK love their annual winter flu kikecines, uptake is very high. Either boomers will be convinced to take the covidcine next year, or the kikes will do a winter-flu & covid in a single kikecine next year, compelling boomers to take it. They will all be murdered.
Balance well doggo
Balance well dogo
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo
balanced doggo
Ah! That familiar nasal sting Of old pasta
Balance well, Doggo
How so?
Balance well doggo
I don't even get my yearly physical, why would I make the effort to get a thing I don't want?
I dont get flu vaxxed and I wont get corona vaxxed either
fuck off
b a l a n c e w e l l d o g g o
Balance well doggo
Balance well doggo