The great reset

what's Zig Forums's opinion about the latest globohomo policy to come out of davos/WEF

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>hegemonies don't die easy

Attached: dead_space.png (540x528, 525.62K)

Doomed to fail, and that's a good thing.

obviously nobody on Zig Forums approves of it unless they're brainless chimpanzees and they're making it seem like something everybody will want cus shits rough rn and everybody will fall for it. Hopefully it won't go any further than a youtube video.

I've positioned myself so that I will be on the receiving end of the great wealth transfer (unless my government steals from me).

I can't wait to live in pod eating bugs (with my mask on of course) and owning nothing.

It will fail, but will cause so much death and damage in the process. They are going to flood white countries with 300 million shitskins because of "climate change induced starvation" when it is really caused by their lockdowns.

Oh, lmao. They disabled the comments. Not surprised. Can't have that goyim find out the truth, huh?

So the people who repopulate the world are the ones who don't take everything in their lives for granted and try to live in as sustainable and self-reliant way possible.
Humanity will "trim the fat", so to speak.

Oh I'm talking to a shitskin.