what's Zig Forums's opinion about the latest globohomo policy to come out of davos/WEF
The great reset
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>hegemonies don't die easy
Doomed to fail, and that's a good thing.
obviously nobody on Zig Forums approves of it unless they're brainless chimpanzees and they're making it seem like something everybody will want cus shits rough rn and everybody will fall for it. Hopefully it won't go any further than a youtube video.
I've positioned myself so that I will be on the receiving end of the great wealth transfer (unless my government steals from me).
I can't wait to live in pod eating bugs (with my mask on of course) and owning nothing.
It will fail, but will cause so much death and damage in the process. They are going to flood white countries with 300 million shitskins because of "climate change induced starvation" when it is really caused by their lockdowns.
Oh, lmao. They disabled the comments. Not surprised. Can't have that goyim find out the truth, huh?
So the people who repopulate the world are the ones who don't take everything in their lives for granted and try to live in as sustainable and self-reliant way possible.
Humanity will "trim the fat", so to speak.
Oh I'm talking to a shitskin.
>(unless my government steals from me).
You can start crying now......
Yes we are fucked!
whats the rundown on this chick? is she your new PM? also why did they hire a russian studies person?
"Deputy" Primer Minister (not a real position), while also being the Finance Minister.
This new cyberpunk trailer looks great
All according to plan.
I wouldn't have posted it if I thought it was going to fail, you really underestimate (((them))), the more I read about isreal the more I realise that they are the master race
no people who live in muh sustainability and cucked western holding back will be the ones who die first, they are the fat that will be trimmed if anything, while everyone else is surviving you will keep on thinking about "ethics" and whatever else memes that were instilled in you in globohomo education camp #73, all this pacifism and """ethics""" are a privellige thanks to the hard work of your ancestors, you're wasting the money they made and the country they built to import billions of jamels so you get likes on social media
isn't that the case for almost every WEF video, atleast the dislike ratio is good.
Self reliance is the exact opposite of what the establishment shoves down our throats.
You're reading a hell of a lot of stuff in my post that isn't there.
the day of the rake is nigh
I'm gay and love cocks.
She's not even hiding it. You Canadians are as fucked as we are.
ten years ago no one on the left trusted the Davos billionaires. Now they are sucking it all up.
The great reset will be the beginning of the end of any personal freedom in the world. First will be the green new deal which will cripple energy production, travel, and the supply chain. Then will come the great reset which will cripple private property and any economy left after. Then will come Agenda 21 as they herd humanity into large cities to "save" us from ourselves. You idiots will give up your lives and freedom at that point just to be spared the misery of living outside the system. Freedom will die because people will beg to be slaves.
self reliance is only a threat since you won't need the system and and can afford to appose it, unlimited freedom is offered where it doesn't matter to the system starkly contrasted with no freedom at all to the things important to the system.
green new deal is absolutely retarded but high-speed trains are genuinely a good form of transport though (for the 3 kms of america where that's applicable), it's rather nice that american cities have suburbs and such as it keeps the birthrates up.
all this shit that both the left and the right consider amazing and great for the economy is there in SK and japan but they are even deeper into this trap than we are, socially they are dead, it's what's to come for the west kaczynskis words ring truer and truer by the day, if you wanna be happy I don't think the industrial system is something you should engage in
just because you shut it off doesn't mean it won't be coming to a city near you in 2 years™.
I hope god smites you fag
Jesus Christ, user. Do you eat paint chips for a living?
Any system the globalist commies set up will fail. Creating a strong, independent community is how you survive through this bullshit.
Hide under covers gif
You are part of a growing global technocracy run by mega corporations. Within the next few decades they will run the world and you will be allowed to exist so long as you work for them at slave wages and don't question why your crammed in a 5x10 room that you rarely ever go outside of unless you work outside. They will herd people like cattle to the doom of all.
yeah but it will still make people miserable for a long while till it crumbles, it doesn't matter if it's effective it matters if they can indoctrinate the people into believing that,
Expecting adversity is reasonable.
Expecting it to be fun is crazy.
I find watching other people suffer to be quite fun and entertaining.
Is luminati doing a Great Reset after a corona similar to the convenant going on the Great Journey after activating the Halo which is what a Corona looks like?
She looks like Victoria Nuland