I went to this school which was supposed to be for druggies, but several of the parents had CIA connections. There was one who was involved in bottling operations in Latin America, and another (with a jewish surname) who was involved in a CIA coup in Indonesia. My trusted relative who told me of these connections was killed off, and now I have to watch my back at all times. I am 100% not larping and this actually happened, and if I get killed for posting this at this point frankly I dont GAF. My school was used to recruit new agents, it is well known this is done in the family. Or perhaps my school was to delegitimize problematic family members preemptively, before they could post a serious threat to the agenda.
CIA reject here
Anybody heard of Synanon and know how it relates to CIA?
school of the americas?
>school of the americas
don't know that you'd of ever heard of it, the schools were called CEDU and founded by one Mel Wasserman.
Hey, me too except in North America. My school was used, too. And yes, I have heard of Synanon. Very much so. It was a thing when I was in elementary and middle school. I was taken aside and tested in the GATE program for "extrasensory perception and precognitive abilities" and made many friends. Many of those friends are now dead, all from "suicide". I'm the last survivor. I also had many teachers who later told me, or told me then, they were former CIA employees. So were my parents. Both parents are now dead from polonium poisoning.
The teachers' first names: Neil, Glen, Patricia and Tim. All are dead except Glen, but Glen has had suicide attempt problems ever since and presents himself as "now on the left". He was independent/libertarian when he taught me. Wonderful people, all of them.
The now dead GATE classmates, first names only:
All except Brent and I are dead. "Escape From Witch Mountain" was real. Gen X for the win. This happened to us.
You ever get the feeling they are trying to drive you to it? I've literally never been suicidal but when they orchestrate all this shit to make your life crumble around you, I start to have a hard time discerning when its actual bad luck and when its them trying to push me toward the result they want. Stay safe fren, I would be very careful if I were you.
Brent is kind of an afterthought. Is he dead? Not sure. But my entire high school graduation class is missing. Almost all are dead or vanished off radar 1990-now. Nobody knows where they are, and no one's talking.
This is more than 1200 Gen X-ers at A Very Special School, everybody. What happened to them? And why am I, the last one, hunted and doxxed everywhere I go and by the same people hunting and smearing Donald Trump?
And why does Trump appear to me in dreams like last night's, pleasant, friendly and encouraging, and showing me things that later come true?
>This is the last I will speak of this online.