CIA reject here

I went to this school which was supposed to be for druggies, but several of the parents had CIA connections. There was one who was involved in bottling operations in Latin America, and another (with a jewish surname) who was involved in a CIA coup in Indonesia. My trusted relative who told me of these connections was killed off, and now I have to watch my back at all times. I am 100% not larping and this actually happened, and if I get killed for posting this at this point frankly I dont GAF. My school was used to recruit new agents, it is well known this is done in the family. Or perhaps my school was to delegitimize problematic family members preemptively, before they could post a serious threat to the agenda.

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Anybody heard of Synanon and know how it relates to CIA?

school of the americas?


>school of the americas
don't know that you'd of ever heard of it, the schools were called CEDU and founded by one Mel Wasserman.

Hey, me too except in North America. My school was used, too. And yes, I have heard of Synanon. Very much so. It was a thing when I was in elementary and middle school. I was taken aside and tested in the GATE program for "extrasensory perception and precognitive abilities" and made many friends. Many of those friends are now dead, all from "suicide". I'm the last survivor. I also had many teachers who later told me, or told me then, they were former CIA employees. So were my parents. Both parents are now dead from polonium poisoning.

The teachers' first names: Neil, Glen, Patricia and Tim. All are dead except Glen, but Glen has had suicide attempt problems ever since and presents himself as "now on the left". He was independent/libertarian when he taught me. Wonderful people, all of them.

The now dead GATE classmates, first names only:

All except Brent and I are dead. "Escape From Witch Mountain" was real. Gen X for the win. This happened to us.


You ever get the feeling they are trying to drive you to it? I've literally never been suicidal but when they orchestrate all this shit to make your life crumble around you, I start to have a hard time discerning when its actual bad luck and when its them trying to push me toward the result they want. Stay safe fren, I would be very careful if I were you.

Brent is kind of an afterthought. Is he dead? Not sure. But my entire high school graduation class is missing. Almost all are dead or vanished off radar 1990-now. Nobody knows where they are, and no one's talking.

This is more than 1200 Gen X-ers at A Very Special School, everybody. What happened to them? And why am I, the last one, hunted and doxxed everywhere I go and by the same people hunting and smearing Donald Trump?

And why does Trump appear to me in dreams like last night's, pleasant, friendly and encouraging, and showing me things that later come true?

>This is the last I will speak of this online.

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>You ever get the feeling they are trying to drive you to it?
Not just the feeling, specific evidence. And absolutely yes. They've been trying for 40 years. They got David by ruining his West Point career. "Shotgun to mouth" but yet was found inside running pickup truck trying CO.

And 27 captchas.

I dont know the mechanism of how they do it, but my dreams were crazy around the time of what I know is when I was being set up, and also around the time they executed their plot against me. It seems the unusual dream activity can be an ominous sign.

There is more to Project Looking Glass than a lot of people know, and the people after both us and DJT have their own lesser version of it. The good guys use a version that also utilizes "kids with The Shining" as lantern walkers. We walk in our sleep, and what we see "lights the way", so to speak. Does this resonate with you?

Stanley Kubrick, who knew about Rothschild activity and used that in Eyes Wide Shut, also knew about the "special gifts" program because Vivian and another daughter of his were above average and targeted by it. He inserted commentary about this into The Shining and King and King's handlers are still pissed about it. Kubrick depicted a young GenX boy with "the gift" surrounded by evil at every turn but ultimately surviving and winning. It was a message to us. That dude was awesome.

An entire generation had The Shining and were targeted. We are called Generation X. Think about what an X means.

More of us are dead and from suicide than any other generation. We also had "the gift" higher than any other. Google how many films were made instructing our parents to literally kill us because we were "evil" and "would kill them if not stopped".

Rosemary's Baby
The Exorcist
The Omen
Escape From Witch Mountain
It's Alive

Interesting, no?

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heard of Synanon yes

I've heard of Synanon, and seem to remember there being some strange stories about it but I can't remember what the deal was. Been a while.

>walk in our sleep
they actually made me and my sibling both walk in our sleep. just once, to each of us. it was like a big thing when it happened, but in retrospect nobody mentioned how odd it was that it happened to both of us exactly once in our lives, and around the exact same time period.

Here, have a bandaid for your butthurts.

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The guy who ran the CEDU operations was an acolyte of the synanon prgogram. I have more experience directly with the former. I am not sure how or when CIA infliltrated Synanon and/or Cedu but I would like to know if anybody does.

It seems a way to discredit a real operation against people who aren't stupid. After a certain decades very few people with a bare minimum of discernment were born.

huh it looks like the founder of Herbalife went to a CEDU school
so these are schools you'd get sent to if you were a rich fuckup? oppositional, defiant, druggie, arrested, etc?

This trash here must be killed.


Sometimes it seems like the only people who come on Zig Forums are CIA rejects and actual CIA agents.

I can't find a public link between Debbie and this clown

I'm only targeted, why those organic robots did it I don't know.

Who is Debbie? Dont suppose Wasserman Schultz? That'd be too easy.

you WILL be killed because you are keeping your name and picture secret. For your own protection you need to immediately disclose your full name, show your picture, and describe everything in detail in writing. Its your only hope. If keep your identity secret you will be killed and all information you have will be b buried with you and no one will ever know.

your choice anan. tic toc

oh dear, it seems they do indeed have you in their crosshairs.
it's definitely designed to drive you crazy and it will not stop for many years -- possibly never.
i really don't know what to tell you except that there are no good guys and hope is your worst enemy.

are you talking about the sayanim?

If it comes from jews, I don't care. There are no good guys here and this project might not work the way jews are shilling, otherwise they wouldn't be so worried about following scripts.

>will not stop for many years -- possibly never.
I already figured that much.


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It was my assumption though, why not? It's not every day you see an extremely jewish name blasted on Zig Forums.

The not evil guys are whoever isn't involved in your gayness, jew.

More gay jews.

when you say syanon, do you mean
>Sayanim (sing. Sayan; Hebrew: helpers, assistants) is a term for a Mossad operative recruited from among the Jewish Diaspora to help the Mossad with operations outside Israel, utilising the capacity of their own nationality to procure assistance. While not official Mossad agents and sometimes acting without explicit knowledge, they may work in the capacity of unregistered representatives of the government of Israel in their respective nations.

This is new to me. But there were also multiple children of Mossad families at my school.

If (((you))) get purged, it ends. Now if normie idiots will do such thing...

yeah, and it's a bad time to be on the run. can you go live with your parents?

LOL wtf

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sleep deprivation, weird rituals, mind control, behavior modification. We were re-programmed there. Didn't realize how it would change everything.