>Hates niggers
>Hate Muslims
>Some of the highest median IQs by country
>Staunchly against any and all degeneracy
Remind me why Zig Forums hates China again.
Angel Clark
Ryder Martin
I love my father land.
Aiden Edwards
soul-less bugs
Adam Martin
>french flag
>calling someone else a soulless bug
oh the irony
Christian Russell
Because they're not white and they live in an absolute hell of their own making. China would be based if it wasn't populated by chinks.
Julian Watson
The Frogs are one of our oldest allies.
Nicholas Ortiz
because americans are jealous off China for being over 90% Han Chinese
Jace Morgan
Then it wouldn’t be China, you retard russian imbecile.
Michael Nguyen
>Chinas have high IQs
Matthew Hughes
>Remind me why Zig Forums hates China again.
nu/pol/ is filled with boomers and T_D's, who are very easily manipulated. Simple as.