>Hates niggers
>Hate Muslims
>Some of the highest median IQs by country
>Staunchly against any and all degeneracy
Remind me why Zig Forums hates China again.
I love my father land.
soul-less bugs
>french flag
>calling someone else a soulless bug
oh the irony
Because they're not white and they live in an absolute hell of their own making. China would be based if it wasn't populated by chinks.
The Frogs are one of our oldest allies.
because americans are jealous off China for being over 90% Han Chinese
Then it wouldn’t be China, you retard russian imbecile.
>Chinas have high IQs
>Remind me why Zig Forums hates China again.
nu/pol/ is filled with boomers and T_D's, who are very easily manipulated. Simple as.
Because Zig Forums is russians mostly and they hate asians.
they’re doing too good economically. we have to fuck em over for dad (Great Britain)
All scientific advancements of white civilization were made by jews. What is your point?
Better than the Soros globohomo shit, but that's about it. Otherwise, China is an irl 1984 reboot that treats its citizens like cogs in a machine that can be easily disposed and replaced.
Jealousy. There's nothing we want more than a homeland and culture of our own.
The one country I hope to see die terribly in my lifetime.
They’re communists.
Wrong you kike.
China is one of the most capitalistic countries.
They don't like Japan, so they don't like my Waifus
Anyone who is the enemy of my waifus is my enemy
Simple as.
You will never be a woman.
You white trash russian fags, even your Russia was build by jews.
That's the joke, moron. Flag checks out.
>>Hates niggers
they love basketball
>>Hate Muslims
they hate all religions
>>Some of the highest median IQs by country
still can only copy and not innovate
>>Staunchly against any and all degeneracy
true, but they arent any more against degeneracy than for instance korea or japan, its just old boomer confucious garbage that will die out sooner or later, all chink zoomers are getting tattoos, listen to kpop, get plastic surgery and watch tiktok
>Remind me why Zig Forums hates China again.
i hate dictaorships
Zig Forums is a bunch of mutts that will be culled in an ethnostate
You're literally retarded blackie.
You will never be white.
LMAO! Imagine believing this shit.
Stupid white trash russians using their white words to describe something beyond their civilization, like communism, capitalism, forget all of that, learn chinese to understand China, white trash russians.
fLaG ChEcKs OuT. Your whore mother checks out, every day.
Get maced by based mexican, retard imbecile.
I don’t know what you have been taught in FSB school in Stalsk 12, but you are russian idiot, keep that way.
Because of what they did in Tibet.
>high iq
same, fuck those soulless chinks
>Hating Anime
You have to go back election tourist, Zig Forums is an anime board
They hate us user
Take your meds, memefag schitzo.
Not as much as the German from what I gather. Their media has become incredibly hostile the US.
The companies are literally required to have communist party representatives. They are under complete control of the state. They are capitalist by deception only.
i grew up in an upper middle class city where all the whites started leaving because the yellow neuvo riche rats were scuttling in
they are peasant scum
Yes, you do need to go back. Trannies are not welcome on Zig Forums.
t. Ching Chong
fuck china and fuck op for this post
>hates niggers
Lol. Niggers are involved in local politics in China, on councils and such. You guys have no idea what you're talking about.
>high IQ*
*only when they test 4 big cities and deliberately exclude regional China. If you only tested cities in any other country you would receive same IQ as China.
Yeah it all sounds good until you realize that its filled with činks.
I support China.
I support Japan.
Asian supremacy.
Down with white dogs!
>All scientific advancements of white civilization were made by jews.
Name a single relevant jewish invention, Rabbi.
What about when they owned you on the world stage?
It jealousy because China has more freedoms and transparency than America ever did.
Based zipperhead.
>Staunchly against any and all degeneracy
Yeah... Driving over pedestrians and children for a good laugh definitely isn't degeneracy. Watching people die in the streets and literally stepping over them as you walk isn't degeneracy. Child slavery isn't degeneracy.
Banks and circumcision. Fuck chinks and fuck kikes.
Because they promote degeneracy here, and destroyed anything of value in Chinese culture in 2 generations, slaughtered anyone in the country with the balls to stand up to them, embarked on the most ridiculous policies ever enacted by modern governments, are outrageously craven and cruel, and have turned the Chinese completely into Pavlovian dogs, more so than they were, and our rulers have imported CCP tactics to use on us, and its working. Moron.
do you support china taking all your sea territory?
The French are not soulless.
The French have an inferiority complex towards anglos and germans. They're selling their culture to Africa;just as America is to latinos, britain to pakis, and germany to turks and arabs. This is the Scramble for the Third World. It's easier to completely centralize a country by having people be mixed race and socialist.
No, but better them than the USA.
>Because they promote degeneracy here
When did that ever happen?
Faggot, your country literally accepts mutilation.
Here in Romanian isn't even legal to make gender reassignment operations or to be a tranny.
Zig Forums was literally created for the creator to talk about his waifu Asuka.
Only mentally deranged twitter muricans screech when they see anime since the girls look much more beautiful than they ever could.
And the new chinese overlords of Canada.
because you faggots keep shilling china on Zig Forums 24/7
shut the fuck up with your yellow propaganda already you cuck, china is pozzed/cucked and so is anyone that is a cuck for them
Zig Forums hates China because their Jewish media overlords tell them to hate China. Simple as that.
The average Zig Forumstard is only slighty less bluepilled than your average BLM hipster faggot, just in a different way.
>I hate dictatorships
Holy shit the cringe. Dictatorships are the only acceptable form of government.
What, China 'owned' us because they were upset about how we treated Muslims? I thought they hated Muslims and now they're out his acting like liberals lol.
USA isnt gonna take your sea territory idiot, but whatever helps you cope, also congratz on becoming the next manufacturing destination
>Democracies are the only acceptable forms of government.
because we love any and all degeneracy
because they're competitors, dumbfuck. all foreign policy doesn't boil down to ideology, you can respect the way a country is ran but still hate the country.
China and the Jews are best friends though.
>In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.
you talking about me or your supper, you slanteyed gook
>The companies are literally required to have communist party representatives.
>They are under complete control of the state.
Not true
>They are capitalist by deception only.
They're capitalist by neglect
Here's how it works. In order to operate, a company must have a CCP compliance group which is a direct line to Central. But for 99% of day-to-day decision making processes, this group does nothing. However, if at any time the CCP wishes to assume control of any given company to cause it to implement any directives, they activate the compliance group within that company. These directives may be anything from 'post X message on your social media page' to 'all company assets are now nationalized.'
Americans with their black-and-white thinking, unfortunately, can't seem to comprehend a control mechanism which is only active some of the time and thereby allows rapid switching of individual economic components between free market and centralized models. They think it must be on all the time or not at all.