>why does pol shill for "le based whiteoids" like fag the whitey and cuck the gringo? is pol a fucking cracker board? what is it?

jajaj, sometimes I wonder why do we keep up backing up these ungrateful entitled gringos.

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cause we are based

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¿Por que?

You mean:


Grande Negro Pollo

For every one of these there are fifteen goblinas THE SAME AGE. Latina women are either beautiful or are built like a sack of flour, there is no in between. Plus at any point a beautiful Latina can become the goblina herself

Big Black Chicken?
what the fuck

I threw up a little

It's a cope, who'd want to be a white tranny faggot cuck pussy fag

This is very true. Sadly whites are their own worst enemy. I know more beaners who would be for a Third Reich U.S. than cucked whites. They vote against their own interest and the white guilt brainwashing is strong.

LatinX is gay.

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