Comfy RPG thread

Looks like a really bad unity 3d game from 2013

Chorrol is comfiest town

I love the look of Xenoblade 1 & 2's worlds but holy fuck the gameplay and story just suck for me I can't get into it. The towns are really unique though.

Attached: 31lHg3X.png (608x512, 161.63K)

It's hard to beat Cassardis for comf.

Attached: Cassardis3.jpg (1920x1080, 513.9K)


Doubled based.

DQXI delivers what it promises which isn't bad, but is not good either.

I loved bravil cause it was always raining.

I've never played one before so it's kinda nice to play a jrpg that's just simple and fun. I really like the world, most of the party members, combat/skills tree. My only real complaints so far are the music being repetitive.