Looks like a really bad unity 3d game from 2013
Comfy RPG thread
Alexander Clark
Joshua Brown
Chorrol is comfiest town
Elijah Cox
I love the look of Xenoblade 1 & 2's worlds but holy fuck the gameplay and story just suck for me I can't get into it. The towns are really unique though.
Josiah Jenkins
Austin Diaz
It's hard to beat Cassardis for comf.
Brody Nguyen
Kevin King
Doubled based.
Andrew Butler
DQXI delivers what it promises which isn't bad, but is not good either.
Ryder Peterson
I loved bravil cause it was always raining.
Jack Mitchell
I've never played one before so it's kinda nice to play a jrpg that's just simple and fun. I really like the world, most of the party members, combat/skills tree. My only real complaints so far are the music being repetitive.