comfy switch thread, saturday edition
comfy switch thread, saturday edition
>switch lite
out of my face
Not playing anything right now. I was playing Hyrule Warriors Definitive as a kind of "I have nothing better to do" game, but I'm playing other games on other systems right now.
I don't really regret any purchases beyond maybe Octopath Traveler. I was extremely impressed by the demo, but got burned out really fast.
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive.
Hoping for Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Ace Attorney Trilogy, Animal Crossing, Smash Ultimate, Katamari Damacy
Well I just bought Deadly Premonition Origins so we'll see if I regret that when I dive in.
Xenoblade DS, Clubhouse Games, and Wonderful 101 are all that's left for the foreseeable future.
Couldn't even say at this point. I got W101 ported so I'm pretty happy. I would say I'd like to see a new Star Fox (that isn't a 64 remake) or a proper Paper Mario.
Nothing despite having a non-existent Internet connection at home.
Falling for the Limited Jew meme.
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, A Hat in Time, and New Super Lucky's Tale when I can find them for less than their retail prices.
More PSX era Squaresoft games getting ported over.
Not hacking this earlier
Mario Maker
dual screens
Hollow Knight, Smash, BOTW and AC
Hollow Knight
Gunvolt 1+2, MM zero collection, Trials of mana
octoshit paddeler
TTYD remaster + brand new paper mario / mario and luigi, SMT5 news
27 days to go, lads.
Yu-gi-oh link evolution it is hot garbage
Probably wonderful 101
More big hack and slash games NMH3 is still coming out in 2020 the kung flu won't delay it right...
baby games
buying this 300 dollar paperweight
money from ebay after I sell this bing bing wahoo machine
nintendo going bankrupt
Labyrinth of Refrain, Rune Factory 4, Kingdom: New Lands, Puyo Puyo Tetris; replaying Hollow Knight
Animal Crossing, Ni no Kuni
Deadly Premonition 2, Catherine Full Body, XCOM 2
BotW 2 coming out sometime this year
World of Final Fantasy. Never played any FF except XII-2 (I think, the one without Lightning because she's geology now) so I have no idea who any of these things are, but God, Serafie and the sister are pure gold.
Also quick question, can I do the Coliseum fights immediately after I unlock them?
Kawaii Deathu Desu, no fucking clue how to play that game let alone what it's supposed to be. Was hoping for something like Radiohammer, but no go there.
Deadly Premonition 2, Mary Skelter 3 and whatever Gema Yue's next game is.
Maybe Wonderful 101 since it looks very unique, but I've never really liked superheroes.
Gema Yue's next game, No More Heroes 1-2 ports and Akiba's Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed.
Shit when is dp2 again i need to replay 1
risk of rain 2
deadly premonition 2
monster hunter
what's wrong with the switch lite
Dunno, wanna say the 5th or 6th month though, soon anyway provided nothing happens. Your switch does tell you the date and it is up for preorder now.
I still remember the major points though, so I will just wait for 2. Can't wait to see how the new detective cutie will be a nutcase.
Is that really the grey one ?
Looks more like black, I fucking want one
Can't tell you how much I'm waiting for SX lite chip so people can keep their 500 bucks original versions
>babies first shitpost
Bulletstorm, which is worse than I remember, and Deadly Premonition, which is pure kino and I'm barely into it so far. I'm loving every second. I'm also playing a lot of Dragons Dogma.
Payday 2, if only because the port has like no fucking content past 2016. I don't even get my twin grimms.
Mechanicus, Bioshock 1 (maybe 2), Ion Fury, Crysis, and Hatred for laughs, once all of those come out.
Since Nightdive did a decent job on the Turok port, and a fantastic job on the Turok 2 and Doom 64 ports, gimme System Shock EE since they own the franchise atm. I'd also like them to put Blood on Switch. I also wish RWS would port Postal Redux over, and possibly get a team to do a Postal 2 Remastered, since porting the game over in its current state is impossible.
I see Yooka Laylee is like 14 bucks, can someone sell me on it?
Can the Switch even play DS bc?
Selling my fucking turnips for 48 bells a piece
Miku mega mix
original paper mario
40 buck on old 64 title?
What did he mean by this. Zig Forumsros?
If you meant Doom 64, it was 5 bucks.
Right now I'm playing Mario+Rabbids, it's pretty fun. Music is good, and gameplay is fun. It's nothing spectacular, I'll probably forget this game very soon, but it's alright.
Just bought a Switch Lite, and I already have a regular Switch. But, I think my regular switch is broken because it overheats in 30 minutes on certain games, and I HATE using the regular switch in handheld. I'm not regretting it too much because I got it for $170 and it is actually pretty comfortable to use.
I'm thinking of getting Spyro Trilogy. Haven't played a Spyro game since I was a kid so I'm hoping it'll be fun.
I hope for Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD. I didn't have a Wii U, so I haven't played them. I've been wanting to play these on emulator for a many years, but I'm just waiting for them to get ported to the Switch.
couple hours into DQ11, so far it's pretty comfy
My only regret is probably buying Doom on this thing. Runs surprisingly well but playing an FPS on a console just isn't as fun.
Also BoTW, fuck this game is boring after a couple of hours. I've tried restarting it multiple times and I enjoy the beginning Plateau area but it just gets worse from there.
Got my sights on Deadly Premonition 2 and Catherine, for sure
Honestly, nothing. I try to wait at least a month before buying a new game on this thing cause I don't want any regrets with crappy ports or stuttering frame rates.
I finished Astral Chain a few week ago, really enjoyable but could be better, I’m hoping for a sequel cause I love the world.
I’m currently playing Kingdom Hearts 3 on my PS4. After all the bullshit people talk, I’m actually enjoying it a lot right now, I’m up to Monstropolis.
After I’m done with KH3, I’m planning on playing through Kirby Star Allies and then savor Luigi’s Mansion 3 afterwards.
This quarantine is getting me to play my backlog so that’s great.
I’m looking forward to the Arms in smash character, don’t care who it is, I’m glad Arms gets it’s chance.
Xenoblade Definite gonna be Kino.
In terms of hope, The Mario remasters rumors come with a new back to form Paper Mario, so I’m hoping for that.
I can understand not liking Doom 2016 on a console. Turn on gyro, it does help a little bit.
Outside of that, I can safely recommend Doom 1 and 2, since they don't need vertical aiming and com,e with several wads between both games, including:
>Master Levels
>No Rest For The Living
>Double Impact
>No End in Sight
>More wads to come
All for 10 bucks for both Doom 1 and 2.
WWHD and TPHD. That rumoured Mario collection. Prime Trilogy. I'm guess I'm just a bit suspect about modern game development, there's not really as much trust any more that the new entry in your favourite franchise is actually going to be good.
I was considering getting Doom 1/2 on Switch but I've been trying to keep a "physical only" collection of games for that console at least.
I am a little interested to see how Eternal would run on the Switch though...
Just purchased Snk Gals Fighters and having fun with it. Waiting for my physical copies of Panzer Dragoon and Streets of Rage 4 from Limited Run Games but thats gonna take a bit of time to come. The next game on my radar is that Mr. Driller game coming out in June.
What's the point of the switch lite? You might as well be using a 3ds at that point.
Pretty much for people who want a switch but would rather dish out $200 instead of $300.
If you already have a regular Switch, then there's no point in getting the Lite, unless your GF gets one for you thinking that it's a completely different console and you just sit there and try to appreciate the gift even though you didn't ask for it or will probably ever use it.
I did appreciate it though ;_;
your comment couldn't be more wrong. I own the AC Switch and a Switch lite and I prefer the lite many times over. Saying everyone just wants to save $100 makes you sound like an ignorant moron to be honest
I've not managed to get into botw despite multiple attempts. Yet I can't put my finger on what it is. Sometimes I feel the way you play a game affects the enjoyment.
Maybe I should try to or something but it feels dumb exploring when Zelda has told you she's fighting for her life.