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Video Games
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Video Games #5062
Video Games
Hires Cloud and flirts with him
I fucking love fighting games bros
Fave JRPG scene
Oh my god, COD is now Coom Of Duty
Did Microsoft hack Nuaghty Dog?
What's a good affordable chair for gaming?
Last of Us 2
Dragons Dogma
Is it possible to discuss this game on Zig Forums? If you have any criticism of it, you got "filtered"...
Farm level
Video game podcasts and those who create them are part of video game culture
FREE steam keys
Valorant collecting data for ads
What went so right?
Look's pretty cool, how are they gonna fuck it up this time
For me, it's Gen 3
DOOM Eternal
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
3DS thread
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Next Gen games
Dmc Bread
Some shmuck with no exp in game design, makes a better avater game in a sandbox game designer game...
Risk of Rain
Special games
Why does this game have such an absolute horrid fanbase?
This game was beautiful. A celebration of existence...
Where the fuck is it? Where the fuck is SMT in general? DS got multiple new entries...
Is it okay to like Skyrim now or are contrarians still assblasted about it?
Just spent the entire night downloading this
Vikings protecting and playing with women and children
Will next gen finally get rid of hitscan cancer?
Why did the stealth genre die?
Warhammer Online Private Server
Games where you play as the Nazis? Yes, a thread about videogames
Speedrunning in the past was a group of people with a passion for a game all working together to figure out the best...
Press S To Spit
Is life the ultimate video game?
Queen of the Incels 2020!
How in the ever loving fuck do you git gud at Dodge Simulator 2k19? Why are Japs so fucking anal with game difficulty?
Sequel retcons previous games
So this is pretty much universally agreed upon right?
He was never a good guy
Someone explain this cancer to me:
I’m Captain Basch von Rosenberg of Dalmasca!
Please tell me this disguting game is going to bomb
Metroid thread?
Ruins the Banjo Kazooie fanbase
Non-hostile NPCs are scarier than actual enemies
1 snack
Redpill me on this game, thinking of buying it
It's okay when Nintendo does it
This entire series is pretty bullshit desu
Final Fantasy IV
How about images with audio?
Roster wishlist thread
Games where you play as the Nazis?
I am so fucking sick of this new age of fighting games. There's no skill...
I hate him. I mean the game is pretty good but this guy is really fucking annoying
Christian bad and evil
How you liking BL3 on steam so far anons? Also Amara is probably the best designed siren
Why is Final Fantasy VII Remake combat so addictive?
Why don't Capcom put the PC port on steam?
Assassin's Creed
*makes your little sister borrow your Switch and hold it hostage forever*
Quicky Zig Forums post your dance animation!
What's the best GTA game?
What's the hardest choice you ever had to face in a game?
I told you to play Artificial Academy 2
ITT: Nice discussion about the upcoming generation
Good morning smashtards!
Games where the tutorial is wrong and there are better ways to a specific action?
Will we ever get a good LOTR game?
Seriously, though, who the fuck cares if Joel dies getting his skull bashed in with a golf club...
Why aren't there any games based on the Balkan wars?
It should be illegal to make vidya girls this cute
"open world"
It's Tifa Lockhart's Birthday
Etna is a miracle of the universe. Also, Disgaea thread
Webm thread
Tell me about your favourite boss fight in video games, or discribe what would it be in your dream game
What's the Zig Forums consensus on this game
Can't stop playing Wipeout Omega Collection
Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?
Classmate asks me if I play any videogames
I hate them
FF7R thread. No Tifa or Aerith allowed
How do we save Final Fantasy?
Streets of Rage 4
Will it be good?
Zig Forums is trying to remove games from Steam
Tfw still somehow enjoy fucking around in GTA V almost 7 years later
Guilds War 2
Should Snake have died at the end of MGS4?
We'll never get a historical Total War game as good as Medieval 2 again
Hackers found a security vulnerability in a patch for an older ND game and used it to leak TLOU 2
Why did they split from Wayforward?
Why the fuck did they do this?
Tfw your city has a dungeon but it's babby easy mode for new players
Why did he bandage his sword
Let's keep up with Trials of Mana
How come Japan easily creates better and more memorable Western characters than the West itself does...
Biggest Nintendo leak in history
Coworker's don't like video games
Attacks that aren't telegraphed
First souls game ever
Why are coomers so obsessed with the obtainable girl fetish?
Best controller for 2D
Here's your final boss, bro
Cyberpunk 2077 looks like a PS3 game
So I present a question to you Zig Forums...
Amy Hennig hates Neil Druckm-
What is their plan?
Commieblock genocide best day of my life
Give it to me straight
Literal superhuman strength
Which game has the WORST fishing minigame?
I predict in the full release he'll either have a tragic back story as to why he's a total ass or he will be used as a...
Was Daikatana really that bad?
Battle royale game
Played any good RPG Maker games lately?
What japanese VN are you playing right now Zig Forums?
Do they think showing strong female character will make real women strong?
Lobotomy Corporation
Nioh 2
I've been kind of enjoying gears tactics but HOLY SHIT the fucking difficulty spike at the first boss fight is insane
Modern Warfare Campaign
Spray thread
Who wins?
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Nintendo Wii Source Code just leaked
So Xenogears
I pray to god that this game won't be shit lads
Metal Gear Solid MGS4
Arma Thread
Since when are ppl ok w/ it that games cost 69,99?
Enemies can beg for mercy
Final fantasy xii 12 the zodiac age
Getting so mad at video games you break your own shit
Animal Crossing
Thread about dinosaur vidya gets deleted while shitpost and coomer threads stay up
I'm getting my PS4 delivered on Monday. I've not played a lot of console games in my life...
Why is Switch so popular?
Which fps are you playing atm?
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
You literally cannot design a worse map than this. Even with all the other terrible maps in the game, this stands out
Iconic Video Game moments
What the FUCK were they thinking?!?!
Fashion creed. Post your favorite armor and outfit
Start playing this
Do any of you still wanna make video games for a living in this day and age?
Absolute worst character in the franchise
Is there hope?
Girl joins the game
Legends of Runeterra
And the winner is
Tfw you just want to play video games but your friend's mom keeps butting in
Comfy code vein thread. Have you gotten all three endings yet? Would you use the BOR parasite on you IRL?
Animal Crossing
Vidya Screenshot Thread
I finally got around to playing all the dark souls + demon souls games and i got to say: dark souls 2 is still the best...
Elden Ring news on May 7th
Who do you think is the most fapped to video game character of all time?
What's the appeal...
Why is yukari such a cunt?
How did Ellie expected to defeat this monster with a knive and bare hands? Is she retarded?
ITT: most useless party members
Sakura Wars
Who would win?
Minecraft build
Roll a 5 and pick the next game I play from here
Sonic Chads, report in
Fan-art of non-existent/theoretical vidya characters bread
Don't act like you don't like the God Hand thread !
Japanese gamer thread
4 days until we start seeing next-gen games
It must've been Unreal Engine fucking shit up, right? I mean the game is on two Blu-ray discs...
He dont have a hacked Switch
Haha imagine how tiny his peepee and shriveled balls would be
Who was the best main human antagonist? P3 not included because they were trash
Well the new Spinosaurus fossil discovery got me in the mood for some dinosaur games
Be honest: do you want a Bloodborne 2...
Filename thread? Filename thread
External Sounds Script Thread
First treasure room is a reusable item
4 days till xbox event which will bring elden ring news
Japaneswe videogame butt thread
Fucking based
Are they the last hope for Videogames?
Can we PLEASE PLEASE talk about Resident Evil Resistance? Fucking play it right now. also jan best girl
What is your favorite character archetype?
Do you ever feel that you're not smart enough for some games? Name em
The End: Beat the game
Fighting Games
This is perhaps the WORST character transformation in vidya history
Is there a more underwhelming conclusion to a multi-game narrative arc than Desmond's story in Assassin's Creed 1 to 3...
Build thousand dollar gaming PC
This is a boring repetitive grind fest
Eivor is exclusively a females name. Why would they name the character that instead of a unisex name?
Thoughts on Evo being online this year?
Is it fun to play games with your bf/gf?
Worst controller of all time
Why is it so soulless
Nintendo just can't compete in size, huh?
VR is a meme that is already o-
Tfw you just want to play video games but your friend's mom keeps butting in
I am an essential worker at Gamestop
For me, it's Beaver Man
Let’s all spend some time with Ryza!
Post your vidya waifu b4 404
Why don't you have a battlestation like this Zig Forums
So wich one was better
Describe the last video game you played like you are Joe Rogan on his podcast
Obscure Games
This game isn't very good
Is there any game that isn’t totally ruined by having a fucking fatass around...
Baldur's Gate 3 thread
Just emulate old games on your new computer and TV bro it's exactly the same experience!
Why developers don't make new AAA stealth games?
Are you enjoying Riesz's peanut butter cups?
Streets of Rogue thread
Which site do you think has done the most damage to Zig Forums? I'd say twitter
GTA V is better than GTA IV
What are some examples of bad game design?
What are some cult classic games like The Room is to movies? Like so bad it's kinda good?
Oh no PCbros we got too cocky
Coomer fotm meme dies
ITT: Games that did subverting expectations right
Was he right?
Does piracy hurt video games?
I like motion blur
What if Ryuji died sacrificing himself for the group?
Be drunk
I've heard so many positive reviews for this game and after finally stepping into it, I can see the appeal...
On the wack0 leak
Say you’re tasked with making a game about the Mexican cartel
*lose the source code for 90% of their pre-2000 games*
ITT: Things That Should Happen but Never Will
Female character
Zig Forums said it's shit
If you get 41 you have to preorder TLOU2
Fixes everything wrong with the game and introduces quality infinitely replayable content
Will Rouge ever get her own game?
What are you guys currently doing in FFXIV?
Cloud-chan you ARE going with me to the Gold Saucer right?
Does anybody actually play this shit?
ITT: Underrated MCs
Physical Media
Why are there so few good piracy games? Feels like an unexplored genre beyond the few obvious choices like AC4
So what's the deal with this game? Why is it making people seethe so much?
Do you ever wonder about your old online vidya buddies you lost contact with
15.ai - Miss Pauling and Rise Kujikawa Edition II
Why is Skyrim so popular?
Metal Gear Solid 4 is a video game, let's talk about it
When did you outgrow using a PC for personal use?
Assassin’s Creed
Atleast it will be free of sjw shit, right?
What iconic vidya WASNT inspired by DB?
Why did Nintendo have to butcher these designs? The old ones are objectively better. Soul vs. Soulless
Miss me yet?
Steam Profile picture
Name one good reason why any video game should have an attractive female character
Animal Crossing New Horizons
This is the Australian murder hornet
Do you often buy collector's editions?
Why don't more games have hmofa?
How would you revive the Dead Rising franchise?
Will you be buying TLOU2 Zig Forums?
How slow is your PC?
Can we shill Final Fantasy IV too Zig Forumsros? I like FFIV a lot and Cecil is cool
Who’s the better rival for Sonic?
You'll never watch G4 on cable again
Hey Zig Forums. remember me? that's right
Games with cannibalism?
Who will snoy replace him with after part ii bombs commercially and critically?
Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to play as this fat hobo
ITT: Actual dark souls/bloodborne/sekiro lore disscussion thread
How the FUCK am I suppose to beat Bahamut and Ifrit in FF7R...
ITT: If you get 7, you have to buy killer7 on Steam
Rough draft for TLOU3
Loved Rome, Medieval II, Shogun as younger
Why don't more games have hmofa?
Metal Gear Solid MGS4
How the fuck did anyone unironically like this cringe shit? Sonic is incapable of telling serious stories
This is my hiding thread, and I'm not moving until Zig Forums has drastically improved!
In 2019, within 18 short months, the developers at Obsidian managed to create not only the best RPG ever made...
Stop pretending you're outraged about the story and just admit you love to shit your pants about anything sony-related
Mario look like if he real
Will the Elder Scrolls 6 redeem the franchise?
Horizons would be best AC game if they didn't pussify the villager dialogue for the sensitive Zoomers
Prototype Thread
Is the Berserk mouso any good? I want to try emulating the PS2 or Dreamcast games but I haven't done emulation in years
Kill boss, grab her items
Let’s settle this, Zig Forums. Who is best girl?
I have never played a Final Fantasy game outside of 7 and 7 Remake. I started my marathon of the series with 8...
A daily reminder:
Comfy JRPG thread. What's your favorite town or music in a JRPG?
How did this frustrating heap of shit ever became popular?
The ultimate TLOU 2 leak
The cracks are starting to show
Sony does what Nintendon't
Is it a video game?
I can't stop thinking about her, bros
Barring it being different from its roots, did you like this game?
I've noticed fewer and fewer people are speaking positively about this game...
Vtuber threads getting deleted
So what's the final verdict?
So I've been playing Mario 64 on 3DS and I can safely say that it's better than Super Mario 64 DS...
Zig ForumsE DID IT, 4CHINS!
I hereby declare this the best card game
"Babby's First FPS"
Which one of these would you like to see get the FighterZ treatment?
Add game to steam wishlist
I'm thinking based
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
It's amazing how a single modder BTFO nomura and FF Remake's unfitting realistic approach
Imagine buying FF7 but not DMCV
Which one would you have remade?
Steam or emulation?
FFXII would be so much better if these two faggots were removed
He plays unmodded/uncensored gacha
Oh shit user! For some reason Capcom has decided that only ONE of these dormant franchises get amazing sequels and...
What's a game Zig Forums baited you into buying and it turned out to be shit?
Do you prefer stockings or bare legs in your video games?
What's Abby's Playstation All-Stars moveset?
Is it true that in this game you have combat scripts that you write and then you just autistically sit there and watch...
ITT: Post your currently installed Steam games
1h20min of unadulterated TW:WH review
Dunkey the JRPG slayer
This is the new face of video games in japan
Funko pop
Do you guys ever mute the game you're playing and listen to your own music instead? What do you usually listen to?
Monster Hunter
What fighting games are you playing, Zig Forums?
How do I stop save scumming in this game? I get too attached to my team and when shit hits the fan...
Why aren't you playing Vindictus right now?
Budget PC Gaming
Animal Crossing Thread
Do you snack during gaming? What's your favorite?
Dohvakiin helmet? Check
I like tekken
Why does Zig Forums hate the Spyro Reignited Trilogy?
Is it Open World or not?
Which videogame will be the next to join the "not so cool anymore gang"?
Far Cry 5 is one of the most profound videogames ever created
He's Zachary Comstock!
I think the sequels to Animal Crossing are great...
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys!
Post your 1 HP face
Bad Games
Should I play Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
It's almost Tifa's birthday
Hey Miss Misato...how come there were never any good Evangelion games made?
15.ai - Miss Pauling and Rise Kujikawa Edition
So we are in agreement that this remake was actually shit, right? Good
*teleports behind you*
Apologize to Kojima, now
Zig Forums plays X-Com: UFO Defense Part tres
Zig Forums btfo again
Do you pray for guidance and success when you play video games?
How did they go from this
Programming Neet
FFIV Remake
Morrowind ReBirth 5.0 was released yesterday. You ARE playing it, right user?
I just wanna play some worlds
Xenoblade 2
Hear me now, user. I ask that you entertain me in discourse so that you may educate me on what a game is
ITT: Underrated Capcom games
What games have the most authentic looking fictional firearms?
*changes PC gaming forever*
What's your excuse? Buy it
It was a different time
Duuuude vikings of course, so cool
Have you ever bought a video game solely because you wanted to coom to the characters in them
Deep Rock Galactic Thread
Pay money for a DLC expansion
Risk of Rain
Post chads in vidya
Blinded by light is the best fight theme of all vidya and you cannot prove me wrong
Do you ever stop to consider all the amazing games that zoomers missed out on, because they were born too late?
Why do they do it? Are they all master trolls or just purely uneducated morons? Every online game...
ITT: "I hope you have the mechanics down at this point or else you're fucked" Bosses
It's Saturday, Zig Forums! Come cool off on the van after a long day wageslaving at your "essential" job...
Game is considered a classic
Comfy switch thread, saturday edition
Not all heroes wear capes
You may not like all the changes they made, but you can't deny the SOUL
A Hat in Time 2 is a spider
What is a good mobile game for my iPad?
Be honest, where does this rank among the best games ever made?
How am I supposed to figure this one out? All my hard work boils down to this coin flip?
>ITT: shit that makes you hardt
Her reason is so retarded
Was this a mistake? Spent my 2k CERB funbucks on this
Drones, assemble
Trials of Mana thread
Trials of Mana
Fighting games
Did you like his redemption in the games?
Black Mesa
The inheritance system in this game is stupid
What'cha emulating, Zig Forums?
Animal Crossing New Hybrids
Zig Forums plays Fire Emblem: Devourer of time
VR is definitely interesting, but it isn't going to be the next leap in gaming...
Why doesn't Valve give TF2 content anymore?
Why is blizzard so bad at balance?
Video Game Conspiracies
Duke nukem 3d is on sale for $5 on psn
Women in armor is fucking stupid
Zig Forums3 2020 Questions and Discussion thread
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine