Dmc Bread

So what was he doing between DMC1 and 5 Anyway

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Not paying off child support

I haven't played DmC before but they're on sale on steam.

Any purchasing advice?

Wasn't he legally dead back then and properly still is

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How can one character be so based

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Unironically play them all except DMC2 which is so shit and insignificant it can be skipped. Even DmC has some really cool surreal level design you really should experience.

You can be a fag and decide DMC1 is too dated because of clunky controls and camera angles, but at least give it a chance before you jump onto DMC3. DMC1 is an excellently balanced game despite its age, you just need to learn it properly. (jumping for example is one of the most effective means of dodging)

CAUTION: Do NOT buy the seperate DMC3 release on the Steam store, buy the DMC HD collection which included 1,2 and 3. The original PC port of DMC3 is one of the worst ports ever and needs to be fan-patched to even work, and the new PC version is the new supported fan version anyway.

He's fun to bully

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Did he ever read it

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Thank you for the advice.

What's so bad about DMC2?

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just watch through this

I played it... is was fucking borrring

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Is it heresy for me to say that I think DMC5 Vergil is more fun to fight than DMC3 Vergil?

DMC3 is undoubtedly harder, but I just love all the fucking ways you can play and juggle with him in DMC5. On DMD he gives you just enough room to pull off cool combos will still being a legitimate threat.

Falling apart and seething about Dante, probably

its bad, and not so bad its good, its just a slog

I don't know, they're pretty different fights. Personally I don't know which one I like the most.

I really appreciate the scale of the fight in 5, the arena is fucking huge and you spend the whole fight moving around it, and the fact you can do crazy shit is also awesome, but I do wish it was harder.

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>Visions of V is still going

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Both Dante and Vergil have more moves in 5 on top of all the moves they already had in 3, it's almost objectively a better fight. The setup/story around it is not as good though.

Wesker shows up in DMC6 what happens and why

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still grinds my gears they look so different. they were suppose to be twins. havent seen any twins change appearance so much.

Chris follows him and mistakes Dante for Leon obviously

>install true vergil mod
>gets insta killed within 10 seconds
Or you could use that hardcore vergil mod.

It doesn't bother me that much. In the realistic style, if they looked as similar as they do in 3 it would be uncanny as fuck. It only really worked because of the anime artstyle characters had.

This only becomes more solidified when people do faceswap mods and it looks fucking terrible. The hair is wonky because it doesn't have his one strand hanging forward.

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Whats the best fan theory

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Tron Bonne fucked with Dante in PXZ

It's a boring action game, which is fucking awful. Had a neat system where you could customize your Devil Trigger, but it was pretty unbalanced and not worth the trouble of playing through the game.

Gaining POWER.

Posted on the other dmc thread too, but just finished dmc1 DMD last week, what game should i do DMD on next?

interdasting but why would she fuck a poor red bum when she likes a blue boy that will work hard to make her rich?

Then why was he dying just before DMC5

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well dmc1 had two melee weapons that played completely differently, ifrit and alastor/sparda/whatever

dmc2 followed this up by giving you three swords that played exactly the fucking same and enemies include a helicopter that you can only realistically fight by shooting it

Not enough POWER.

A slow playing boring game that neuters nearly everything that was fun about 1. I'd say play it once for the laughs, I mean you DO fight a zombie helicopter and zombie tanks for christ's sake

Member when these threads were at there peak. those were the days

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This pic gives me these vibes

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im not going to say anything other than i played both campaigns on DMD and one of them is legitimatley impossible to beat.
because of a fucking invisible fish.
im fucking fuming having to remember it.

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