Why is huntress the best survivor?
Risk of Rain
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She isn't, she's just a hoe with autoaim and a slow ass attack speed.
If i were to choose who's the best I'd say Bandit
RoR2, need to unlock artifiacts
She's one of the worst. Not Artificer level bad but down there with MUL-T. Right now the strongest out of the box are Loader, Merc and Rex as their kits are totally effective without any items.
>She's one of the worst. Not Artificer level bad but down there with MUL-T.
I can't imagine being this bad.
RoR1 Bandit or modded Bandit?
>one of the worst
but she's not Commando
Modded Bandit.
since hopoo are fucking useless to do the finishing touches to someone that is basically done
Game looks fun. Will it run on a laptop? It doesn't look too fancy but I'm worried the gorillions of enemies will melt it
The first or second game? First runs fine on modern laptops, the second can run on integrated graphics but you're gonna have a bad time
I ran it at 320x240 with all settings lowest while my desktop was being repaired
RoR2. If it has enough settings to tweak to allow it to run on integrated graphics then maybe I will be alright.
It does have a lot of settings, I got it running at a silky smooth 60fps but you couldn't read the text, it was like playing through a smoked glass window at that low a res
Probably playable at a higher res if you're not insistent on constant framerate
>Hopoo decides to release Bandit officially
>completely butchers him compared to the mod
>mod stops getting updated
My biggest fear as a Banditfag.
3/4, open
>artifact of chaos
>got capacitor with gestures and some cd reductions
>slightly look at friend and 95% of his health gone
>killed him and myself later with an unintentional BFG blast
This artifact got some serious potential for some autistic PvP format.
why is it whenever someone makes a mod that has the slightest potential it's some normie shit, goku mod exists now
Chaos is one of the most fun artifacts because you can steal items from the other autists by killing them when the teleporter boss is dead.
they can't just kill you next round because you need to kill the boss with them and you'll have even more item advantage
It's fun to cap off a stale run with a deathmatch in the trial of chaos.
>still no update
imagine paying for a scam
are you going to rehost ?
>Spring isnt over until 20 of june
She's even fatter than Artificer.
at least commando is fun with the brilliiant behemoth and a shit load of syringes
Can someone explain to me why some abilities interrupt sprinting, but let you immediately start sprinting after? What is the point of that extra button-press? Hopoo please I need answers
lobby when
Artificer pls
Now, 1 spot open
we open again, 3/4
someone link the you know what to me
Now bookmark it this time, you dunce.