All I know so far are Secret Hitler and SpyParty.
Games about deceiving the other players?
The ship
Deceit. Actually a pretty good game, and it's free.
shame the player base sucks
that's a blonde boy
Among Us. If you can get matched with non-retards.
People who post cropped porn should die.
Niggers should not be allowed to use their dicks.
They should only bottom.
I didn't know. But it's not a problem if you're playing with friends.
There was an Infection game type in Natural Selection 2 they added a few Halloweens back. Everybody starts out human and have to travel around the map cleaning out air purifiers with their flamethrowers to prevent the airborne pathogen from overwhelming them. About a minute in, someone randomly gets infected. The goal of the infected is to get close enough to turn others into infected via touch without them shooting them with the flamethrower. If you kill another human with the flamethrower, you both die. So basically, it's The Thing.
I remember one game early on I took out my welder and approached this guy like "Welder of peace! Let's team up," and he went for it because people do that sometimes. Soon as everybody else left the room and he looked away I pozzed him and he was audibly upset on the mic. Had to yell "STFU they're gonna knew we're infected now!" in text team chat. Pretty funny when you betray someone hard enough they kill themselves, even if it denies you a teammate.
If they actually made a The Thing game like this in VR it'd be pretty horrifying.
Assassin's Creed multiplayer was based around this ideal, the amount of points you got for assassinating another player was proportional to how subtly you did it. If you stabbed them with a hidden blade while moving slowly through a crowd of NPCs identical to your character, for example, you could get thousands of points at once. You also got a decent amount of points if you tricked the player who was hunting you into assassinating an NPC, after which you could also slap them to force them into having to hunt another player. By contrast, if you behaved really obviously and ran around rooftops shooting at other players, you'd get something like 50 or 100 points not that that deterred anyone from playing like that. It was really enjoyable and unique.
Space Station 13
It was really fun, nothing like just sitting in a bench and stabbing the first guy that passed
give me the source or else
Everybody just had guns on roofs. If you were stealthy, you were also losing. I had some amazing memories from that game, though. A fun one.
I don't have friends so fuck you
Deception is bad, user. You shouldn't ever do it.
Project Winter. It's nearly impossible to win as good guys.
source faggot???
Built for BBC
Give me the sauce
Town of Salem
source for the love of god !?!!?!?
>crops the image so it's harder to find
WTF I'm interested in assassins creed now
Not letting this thread die till I get the fucking sauce
Don't be. They long since ditched the whole assassins thing.
i always liked the idea of it but every time i tried playing the lobby was filled with stupid assholes than ran around like their asses were on fire
>there will never be assassins creed battle royale because nu-males screamed that battle royale bad and killed the genre
is there any way for me to relive this or has it all been forgotten and abandoned
Rust is the pinnacle of that
we need a hero
fuck this nigger thread, literally no source for OP picture. Reported for being a faggot.
> no source
based retard
Oh shit, I had so much fun as the Chinese pirate lady in the Black Flag multiplayer, why did they remove this?
and deceit was based on trouble in terrorist town, right now they have made another one in VR, it gets lots of views lately.
I once told a bunch of kikes that this is the perfect game for them, and I swear a while later there were a bunch of jewish kids in that game. But thats really the worst, the game mechanics themselves are pretty great if you got quality people using them.