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Video Games
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Video Games #5063
Video Games
Reminder that a thot killed advance wars
Left or right?
Smash Ultimate DLC pass 1 thoughts
About to play this
What happened?
Hey bro
Granblue Fantasy Versus
Is it too late to get into this?
Pretend GTA Online doesn't exist for a moment. Is Grand Theft Auto 5 any good?
Hat in time thread
Holy fuck reach/ce have such fucking terrible multiplayer...
3 days until we see NEXT-GEN game reveals
How did they get away with this
Star Wars Steam Sale
Tifa Thread
How the fuck was this game made? I'm assuming the rest of the game doesn't live up to this god tier introduction?
This turnip wants to join your party, do you accept?
In your humble opinion, did the right avalanche member survive?
What do you want to see in Elden Ring? What don't you want to see?
Should I buy persona 5 royal? I already have 5 but is it worth it
Name ONE game that has good escort missions. You can't
Dragon's Dogma
Why are people autistically screeching about shit that happened in 2001
What trend in gaming makes you feel old as shit?
What's the worst videogame parody ever made?
Which one is the biggest hack?
How does Dragon Quest XI hold up against Final Fantasy?
He still plays on a 60hz monitor
Is part of the reason Xbox doesn't appeal to most gamers the fact that it doesn't have any coomer bait sexy female...
Legend of Zelda
ITT: Game that need to be freed from the curse of the 3DS
Pay $60 for part 1, $60 for part 2 and $60 for part 3
ユニ・^yay fairy castles and pastel buildings made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides...
Game lets you gamble
Miss me?
The Best Looking PS2 Era Games Blow Modern Games out of the water when Upscaled
Is there a game where my choices actually matter?
It's no masterpiece
What games let me play as boys who have a strong bond of friendship?
Despite the leaks revealing the shit plot i'm still excited for the last of us 2...
3x3 thread lets go gamers
How do you feel about female villain characters?
It will look worse than modded Skyrim
Plenty of transgender characters in the Cyberpunk 2020 lore and in popular cyberpunk novels of the 70s/80s such as When...
Is this a good or a bad party composition, Zig Forumsros? Am I going to run into trouble later?
With remakes being the focus, is it safe to say that numbered FF titles are a thing of the past?
Anyone play this piece of shit back in the day? The open beta for Unity is finally out...
Dark Spirit has inva-
If Mario 64 was remade I'd want it to look like the old N64 renders instead of modern Mario. It'd be neat
What are their names again?
*produces the worst mainline entry in literally every franchise and Zig Forums only looks at this console fondly...
How the hell does he still look so young? He is like almost 40
Who's your favorite animal crossing villager and why is it Skye?
Morrowind Rebirth 5.0 came out 3 days ago to celebrate Morrowind's 20th anniversary. You ARE playing it right user?
Whats the appeal? She comes off as an extremly needy insecure female
This man is your BENEFACTOR
星のカービィ GC (Kirby Wii beta????)
Oh no no no no
What games let me torment my enemies with my overpower level status?
What is soul?
What the fuck was her problem?
Is this the biggest critical flop of all time...
Why doesn't he just fuck Jill?
Is he based?
What are you playing in VR and how are you playing it? If roomscale, how big is your play area?
I wonder if these outspoken male feminist game designers actually hate women on a deep psychological level...
How the hell do you win at this game?
Looking back, was this a good casting choice?
Smash Bro’s Leak
Zoomers had the best games
Why are people so fucking sweaty, people play pubs like they're in the goddamn Olympics...
Are fitgirl repacks safe, I've found a torrent for Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash...
Which one
Ninjala in 23 days
Just shut the fuck up
Why is ds3 considered the best souls game? ds2 deserves it so much more
Astral Chain
Finally got Nier for PS3. What am I in for? Did I mess up by playing Nier Automata first?
Why does Zig Forums get angry when a western dev does it, but it so common in eastern media?
Rate my kids drawing of his desired b-day game
Why has no one done an Imperial Guard FPS yet?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Why did classic Halo die? Do people not care anymore?
This franchise is fucked
Out of the Loop: ND Shitshow
This design appeals to nobody
Ah, this sucks, Zig Forums! I CAN'T JACK OFF TO THIS!?
Dragon Ball Fighterz thread
What gacha game are you playing?
Most overrated developers/publishers?
Out of all the AC games in the series, which ones are actually worth playing? I have only played black flag...
Name ONE flaw
Fight Sticks
Kino to the purest degree. Why haven't you played their game?
ITT: Who's mouth is it really?
Comfy Latin American gaming thread
I thought vee hated this game? What's with the outrage over TLOU2?
Just imagine
Overrated reddit-tier game
This is my favorite game but I don't really like the story of the DLC...
Playing the original for the 1st time, wheres all the ghosts?
Pitch your idea for a future Souls game
They killed this great franchise for ass*ssins fucking creed
Is it worth it to get the zodiac age version?
This is Jessica Rasberry, the former leading lady of the Gold Saucer Theatre, say something nice about her
Every day until you like it
That one fucker in the group who grinds ahead alone
Ssshhh, our sweet little girl is sleeping
Name a bigger art style downgrade
I just want to have a fun adventure, lads. What play?
Zelda 64 leak
What are some essential New Vegas mods?
What gacha are you playing rigth now?
Male joins the guild
What's the ideal order to play through this series for a newcomer? I assume I should leave REmake 2 and 3 for after 4
What was your reaction to this moment?
ITT: Redditcore games
Do you agree Zig Forums?
Do you think this will be a good game?
Out of all the zeldas, which one is the best zelda?
Excuse me, but why THE FUCK are you not playing Sakura Wars right now?
Buy 3000$ gaming PC to play switch games
What am I in for?
Admit it, you cried
I will never not be mad
What does Zig Forums think about this game?
What video game opinion do you have that would get this reaction
He's right you know
Fantasy RPG has characters with retarded names in it
Can Villians ever be redeemed in vidya Zig Forums?
It ain't perfect
Zig Forums plays Fire Emblem: Devourer of Time
Animal Crossing Thread - Post DODOs hangout and trade
Alien Isolation
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Redpill me to this! I always drop it, after a specific quest get automaticly cancelled
This movie featured a single song in it's soundtrack that was, in fact...
We owe this to Naughty Dog
May 7 XGS
Spoiler warning for those interested in Valhalla's story:
Ummm hello? Ethics department?
Time to settle it. Will you buy TLOU2?
Post courses
Nooo, you can't change reality to make it better! That's escapism! What about all the people who want to suffer?
Party Van- Unturned Edition
Comfy aerith thread
We need a gun for the sex havers
What makes JRPGs so enticing?
Post your idle animation
Tomato Adventure Fan Translation Weekly Update
This game handles side quests better than any JRPG I've played
No backlight
Why aren’t there more games with pirates in them?
Do you think Infinite will be good?
I just set up a second monitor
Who was in wrong here?
Stardew Valley
Filename thread
What vidya girl would you marry Zig Forums?
So are you telling me that the protagonist for FF7 died before the game even began?
Will it be worth getting one for SMTV?
28:57 on the clock, you say?
He deserved it
10hours in, why so much hate on this game? so far it's pretty comfy and good
Shitty games Zig Forums memed you into buying
Is the PC release of pic-related any good, or am I better off just emulating the original?
Xenoblade chronicles 2 female blades
Did this really deserve to win GOTY over Twilight Princess?
Why did he get so upset about someone pointing out that Randy Pitchford is human trash?
Zig Forums plays The X-Com Files: Part 2
Do you prefer to play as an Orc or an Elf in RPG's?
Robert House from New Vegas
Will Rouge ever get her own game?
This is 100% fact
Why is it that rats in videogames are always lv 1 enemies?
Let's have a serious talk about video games. Is there a way to get things back to the way they used to be...
Does lying about the contents of a videogame keep your opinion of it valid?
There are no good movie gam-
Will we ever see another FFT again?
What games have time travel?
Why is STREET FIGHTER more mainstream than Tekken?
User... why did you let me die?
Why are the gamers like this?
Just bought DS2, what am I in for bros?
Mother walks in
Didn't play with kotor when I was a kid
Why are Western female so full hate and anger?
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
What was the last game you saw with a "level up!" like this?
Holy shit this game sucks. The mechanics don’t make sense...
Does Zig Forums play dancing games?
Are you guys upgrading your TVs for the upcoming gen?
>interesting vidja settings
Why did the dating sim genre die?
Tifa Thread
Do you like female ninjas? I think they're more effective than male ones
Riot bros... we got too cocky
He cant get off to text
Previous thread: >>506319716
Which should I start with as someone who's never played a souls game?
Should I build a PC to play the port of Mario 64?? I don't have a PC right now
Apologize RIGHT NOW
Smash Lists
Clubhouse Games:51
ITT: Video game series where 2>3
People unhappy with LoU2 leaks, where did you want the story to go?
What the
Defend this
Hey Zig Forums! This is Zig Forums's very own Positive thread! Share your positive images, media files...
Black man
Did you buy?
Are you guys excited for the new Story of Seasons? They seem to be making a few changes
Fall from great height into water
What's the appeal of this game? I just downloaded it and tried playing, but it was really boring...
How do we make dinosaur games popular again, bros?
I don't think eastern games are compatible with western values anymore...
Elite sniper for the finest mercenary force on the planet
Would you kiss this butt if it meant saving Senran Kagura?
You made my wife cry Zig Forums apologize!
She killed millions
Youre on your way to Egypt
Diablo II
So, do you have any other hobbies than "vidya"?
This is the greatest console of all time. If you disgaree you are most likely homosexual and suck cock
Get in here and have some Board Game Online fun! 16 slots open
How come Zig Forums never discuss the best Souls game?
So, Muv-Luv Universe woke up and began expanding exponentially
Is she rich?
The great debate
STR build users
Why are there no morbidly obese video game protagonists?
I'm hungry and that stupid robot destroyed the cake. Give me that sweetroll you got from Old Lady Palmer
Deadly Premonition
Who is the biggest simp in vidya?
Great game with a great community
Why is this so shitty and boring?
What was the general reception around DMC V when it came out...
Squeenix Sale
What does Zig Forums honestly think of this fad?
Why is game freak not catching up?
I honestly don't like Mai
Best compilation/collection games
It's time to post stories about you, your family and vidya
Three Houses
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
How do i stop video game addiction? been playing video games since i was 11
Abby's B-A-S-E-D!!!
Game has a mechanic that disgusts you from the looks of it
Just finished this piece of garbage. I hope Witcher 3 will be worth it. Anyway why Witcher 2 is so shit Zig Forums?
Who REALLY won last gen? The sales numbers of the Wii or the plethora of games on the PS3?
Whats the consensus on silent hill 4...
What was the last game you played during while quarentined?
Yfw you discovered emulation
MC is gay
Dunkey the weeb slayer
Physical or Digital Copys?
XCOM chimera squad is extremely gay and pozzed
Pc has issues running doom eternal at 60 fps with most settings at low
The original fallout games are trash that hipsters pretend to like to seem cool
Ethics department: "Make her ugly"
Why do humans always overtake zombies as the primary threat? I'm so sick of it...
Dark Cloud
The dream porn game that does not exist
Monster Hunter
ITT: Post your currently installed Steam games
Vidya confessions
Play League of Legends
Who was more innovative and iconic?
Shit game with good waifu models and features
Why did video games have to become movies? like what the fuck happened?
Why is videogames writing so shit...
Sekiro Sucks Cock
Dragon's Dogma thread
What makes Persona 5 Bad?
Your favorite controller
DRK is fun as fuck, why did you losers tell me not to level it?
Name one game that does romance correctly. You can't
Name a worse looking console
What is the shittiest Final Fantasy game?
3x3 Thread
Why do PC players do this with hard working developers?
Brave Alchemist Colette
Assassins Creed Valhalla
Anyone hosting today?
[Petition] Square Enix Must Change The Title of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" And Refund Its Customers
What did he mean by this
Animal crossing
He doesn't use speakers when gaming
I'm in love bros
Animal Crossing New Hybrids
Is there a worse time in history to play video games?
You may not like it but this was peak of the tactical shooter genre
Games about deceiving the other players?
Do you like him?
Not all heroes wear capes
What could Nintendo and Retro Studios do to fuck up Metroid Prime 4?
Do you still enjoy gaming? how old a are you then?
Xbox thread
Since it is star wars day tomorrow are you planing to play any SW games?
Worth playing?
Ready or Not - Game Files Leak
The mobile-only gachashit spinoffs have better writing than the mainline entries
Mario 64 has a fucking DirectX 12 source port now and nobody's talking about it
He didn't obtain Tamaki's underwear
The worse paper mario game
Granblue Fantasy Versus
"One copy of Elden Ring, The Last of Us Part II and Cyberpunk 2077, please!!!
I heard the threads about this event are always deeply discussed here so lets debate
What game are you hyped to shitpost about after TLOU2 hate train dies down? Personally Cyberpunk 2077 for me
Old school runescape
The Nintendo Switch has all the momentum of a runaway freight train, why is it so popular?
What could have been
Who did Final Fantasy better?
Took amane's route because i thought she was cute
Today is my last day in quarantine. I enjoyed so much being a neet but tomorrow I have to go back to work...
Fuck this bitch
Did the leaks alter your decision to buy The Last Of Us 2?
ITT:incels filters
Fix them. Can they be fixed to begin with?
How come cute Japanese girls prefer Nintendo Switch over others gaming platforms?
Why to devs keep making these nonsensical "cool" and edgy armor designs when the real ones already look fine and would...
This is Abby!
Name one thing modern games are better in than retro games that isn't muh graphics
What the fuck is its problem?
Best Tales girl
Name you favourite 2hu game or DIE
With all these ancient games having a comeback lately, what game would you like to return?
>"E3" in 4 days
There will never be a FF6 remake that uses modern tech to create a facsimile of amano's art
It really do be like that
Sony drones told me this is achievable during societal collapse
Nintendo cock sucking redditor faggots got r/ROMS reported
What do you think about "representation"
Which is your favorite new Sakura Wars grill?
This is my precious wife Kyoko. Please say something nice about her
Remembering the melancholy of human existence, even ghosts stray from the path of righteousness
Why do people care about this copynpaste ps3 looking dark souls wannabe game again?
Which WoW raid was the best?
Why does nintendo make such small consoles?
"Video games were a mistake" - Hideo Kojima
Does he have a point?
Do you play video games?
Streets of Rage 4 bread
ITT: times when Zig Forums was BTFO
This game isn't even released yet and I'm already bored of it
Remember brudda, no Al-Bhed, ya?
The Last of Us 2 (TLoU) leaked gameplay
That kid who wrote an essay on video games
Which site do you trust for objective game reviews?
Lost my passion for gaming, which game to reignite?
How come there are not vidya adaptation of books?
How would you make a game based on this kino?
I'm having a lot of fun with this so far. Zig Forums's opinions?
The duality of man
What are some things about vidya that you simply cannot abide anons?
Games with this feel?
What went right?
Gothic Thread
Tiny woman can beat up a giant dude
Is Oblivion the weakest entry in the Elder Scrolls series in terms of lore and main quest?
PC Mods
Animal Crossing Thread
I fucking hate this generation so much
How's your game coming along, Zig Forums?
How do we fix the zoomer problem?
The doctor told me the cancer is terminal and I have at most a few months to live...
STR Builds > DEX Builds
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine