>Fire Emblem had taken off in the west, and a lot of teenagers, myself included, were falling in love with the franchise
>But while I was still discovering new entries like Shadow dragon, or learning that THERE WERE FIRE EMBLEMS THAT DIDNT COME OUT IN THE WEST?, there were dedicated teenagers who wanted to make their OWN fire emblems
>Whether it was blazer and his forums making The Last Promise, Mageknight404 self inserting himself with Linoan, or....Gheb, ROMHacking was nowhere near where it is today
>But what of the fourth of the granddaddy of ROMhacks? What of....ACE?
>Fresh off the heels of Devourer of Time, in which his self insert, his brother, and various other people he knew worked together with Cloud and Chrono to stop Sephiroth from summoning Lavos, here's the sequel...

I've never played this, but the reputation precedes it. Can we stop THE LAVOS?

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Other urls found in this thread:


so right off the bat, they replaced the opening cutscene.

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Dude this thing like stops after 5 chapters

It's incredibly incomplete

That being said... I've had pic on my computer for quite a while...

Attached: afacespritelist.png (960x1927, 457.45K)

Any changes?

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Make it a September baby. If you're September there's a good chance your mom got fucked during Christmas time.


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wait wtf this can't be real...


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>giving a tutorial in a romhack
for what purpose?

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Some romhacks were designed to be shared with friends who never played FE before. I think this was one of them before Ace realized how cringy this shit was/life go to him and he dropped romhacking for good. See Blazer for another case of this.

wow Ace, you seem....weaker.

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Do the math, September is the 9th month of the year. It might not be exact, but chances are your mom got fucked at a relatives house for a quicky, or maybe some drunken New Year's sex. It's like kids being born in November timeframe, Valentine's Day babies.

>Introducing friends to FE via romhacks
I can tell if this is hilarious or horrifying.

actually, from what I understand, his laptop got fried and he lost EVERYTHING.

and blazer's girlfriend I think forbade him from continuing his autism?

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oh god this image induces an ulcer of 2000s energy

>you finish the map by getting a game over
that's....actually kind of interesting.

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Its a combination of multiple things that caused Blazer to stop. He's still one of the biggest contributors to the western community so he'll never be forgotten.

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...is that...



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>Evul Ace
>Laker Ace
>damaged Ace
>the goddamn batman

Speaking of, any new info on TLP2?

I'm streaming. As per global rules, I can't link the stream or post my name, but you can search by game.

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TLP2 wasn't Blazer's work, its some other people trying to make a sequel.

....is that atlanta?
and the serenes thread seems dead.

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When's Crimson arm 2?

NOW they got his animations.

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It'll be a while for that if he ever makes one. You should go play Dark Lord and Maiden of Light in the meantime. Its made by a friend of the Tacthack team.


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oh shit, rescuers!

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Based Jeigan. Shiida looks... Off.

These portraits...look REALLY fucking good.

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No, sire.

marth: I'm sorry, but I can't stand by. I must help

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>made by a friend of the Tacthack team
hey i was part of the team. i made the female necromancer sprite among other things.

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Oh shit Ace predicted Revelation.

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This is bullshit, based Jeigan would never side with Sephiroth.