>Nooo, you can't change reality to make it better! That's escapism! What about all the people who want to suffer?
The writers didn't put much thought into this, did they?
>Nooo, you can't change reality to make it better! That's escapism! What about all the people who want to suffer?
The writers didn't put much thought into this, did they?
Other urls found in this thread:
The problem is you're putting god-like power and authority in the hands of one man, who is still fallible.
There will be cases where what makes one person happy conflicts with what makes another happy. In these cases Maruki will have to decide how to balance it out. He will make mistakes.
No matter how well-intentioned Maruki is it's still a recipe for disaster.
So one person is too much. How many people would be fine, then? Would ultimate power in the hands of 8 people be good enough? Like the Phantom Thieves?
The fact that grugbrain Zig Forumstards agree with hm shows they did actually
The Phantom Thieves are also flawed
The game barely explores what would actually happen outside of a super limited area because all the people you see are random nobodies. Imagine how the happy reality of someone like Kim Jong-un would look like.
It's rape time
>The ability of true illusion
>Thinking you can defeat such a person
The Phantom Thieves are most likely living a vision of the reality they wanted. There was too much to risk to let them actually win.
>Brainlets still can’t comprehend that sometimes there isn’t a “right” answer
>oh so you think maruki was wrong huh? I guess that means you think the phantom thieves are 100% right huh
fuckin retards
The opposite, he's supposed to be the villain but he's 100% in the right
>WOW such a deep and thoughtful scenario with no true answer how do they do it?
>why no, I haven't played final fantasy tactics advanced why do you ask?
Zoom zoom
I hope that when I do play this for myself they did actually somehow make Maruki's arc make sense enough because I have a feeling his whole shtick might've been something that needed to be it's own game rather than just a semester. (Of course this is me assuming Maruki is only tacked onto the story).
how are old SMT fags like royal so far
im a 2002 fags and i like it very much
Don't worry, it makes sense and is well written. People here just simplify it down a lot, probably because a lot of them haven't even played it and are just parroting the opinions of others.
Maruki doesn't feel tacked on at all because you interact with him often throughout the main story.
Its shit the school setting is cringe and social links are retarded and boring
I dont give a fuck about these retarded characrers i just want to play the gane.
battles and dungeos are fun as hell unfortunately im not sure if the 20 mins of fun after 5 hours of anime is worth it.
i should just wait for SMTV to release in 5 years
thanks for your post LARP poster
But hes in the wrong
I'm convinced everyone that takes Maruki's side didn't actually play the semester and see the inherent problems his system outwardly shows.
You're forgetting the whole reason the PT destroyed Yaldy was so that no one could have that power, including themselves.
>I'm convinced everyone that takes Maruki's side didn't actually play the semester and see the inherent problems his system outwardly shows.
I assume they blazed through the dialogue barely reading any of it and most certainly didn't listen in on NPC in the street who add to how less than idyllic his reality actually was.
Maybe all you motherfuckers that instantly see him as being in the right should actually do his dungeon and get to the examination room. How your life is fixed is not based on what's best for you, it's based on what HE SUBJECTIVELY BELIEVES IS BEST FOR YOU. You're given a quiz section and the way to get through it with no fights is to answer in the way you think Maruki would answer the questions (and if you do it all 3 times you're declared perfect and are in no need of adjustment). If you go through the door of a different answer, even if the option you picked seems like a morally correct choice, you meet a shadow whose job is to brainwash you into seeing the world from his pov.
Everything, EVERYTHING Maruki bases his life on is avoiding pain to yourself. The very first question is you see your friend about to be hurt by someone else. Do you
>interfere and protect your friend, even though you might be hurt in the process
>go and get a teacher/cop even though your friend might be hurt in the meantime, but you'll be fine
Do you know why B is considered the right answer to Maruki? Purely because YOU'LL be ok so that's what truly matters. And here's the thing, even Ryuji points out that from a moral standpoint, both answers are valid. There's nothing saying that getting in-between will guarantee your friend's safety so going to get an authority figure may increase the odds of him being ok. But that's just it, whether your not your friend turns out ok is irrelevant to what Maruki is asking, he just wants you to be someone that will avoid pain to yourself.
They were until Ren figured it out since he has the wildcard and Maruki didn't accomplish Ren's wish
For reference here's the second question. You have had a long career as an artist but have ended up in a slump. If you gave up on this dream of being successful, you will have effectively lost all the hard work you've put forth up to this point. Do you
>Work through the issue
>Refocus and maybe take a break for a while, but ultimately don't give up on your dream because it'll be worth it in the end
or C
>Abandon your dream
The answer Maruki is looking for is C, because continuing your dream means you'll inevitably have problems at some point, and that's bad.
The phantom thieves even admit they're not 100% in the right because some people do legit benefit from Maruki's reality but objectively the new reality is not 100% perfect since it's only perfect according to 1 man
All the anons complaining about it secondaries that haven't played the game, if they have they're fucking idiots because the phantom thieves make an excellent point against Maruki
All he wants is everyone to run away from everything like a bitch so he feels better about himself.
yeah there are a lot of cracks in it
Maruki's perfect reality is driving a taxi
I think that's more implied to be his "eh, good enough" reality
So how did Goro survive? Was that just Maruki going like "alright fine whatever you can come too"
His method of avoiding pain at all costs should be evident with Sumre. By Maruki's method of making her think she is Kasumi, she is a fragile mess. His method never helped her get over her trauma of getting her sister killed, it only made her run away from her problem.
Another thing that should be evident to people when they think about it, why, when he can raise the dead like Wakaba, Okumura and possibly Akechi, did he not just bring back Kasumi too? Because due to Sumire's inferiority complex, he deemed her to be a source of pain for Sumire.
Maruki is not a bad guy. He truly believes hes trying to help, but his method is to have people run away from their problems which is not good for anyone's mental state, especially in a world where the collective cognition of humanity can have further effects on the world.
We never see Goro in Scramble so it's entirely possible he didn't survive.
You put too much faith in people who think they should be allowed to live inside a fantasy world where everything goes their way and don't actually bother looking at the bigger picture.
Goro isn't in scramble because that was made at the same time as Royal and there wasn't much communication
There's also the domain of P5AG.jp
Probably in whatever they have planned for P5 next. I'm not looking into Scramble since I'd rather experience the story myself than hear about it secondhand, but Royal sets up and never explains who Jose is and what you do learn about him just leaves you with more questions.
Goro is in the true ending
Who knows and I'm damn sure Atlus won't even bother to make up a reason if he shows up in any sequels either. They'll just have Akechi dismiss it with a smartass remark.
Do you ever find out who he works for? I did his boss fight in Mementos but never gave him the sorrow will seed
>the school setting is cringe
Only in Persona 5, where most of the students have zero real response to you.
Doesn't he work for Elizabeth?
Wait he does? Is that found out in NG+?
That seemed to be what he hints towards after you fight him.
I assumed he was hinting at Philemon
That's technically the same thing as the attendants work for Igor who is a servant of Philemon. I mean, that's what spoils the endgame twist right at the start, that Yaldy calls it MY Velvet Room instead of THE Velvet Room because it isn't his, it's Philemon's.
Fair enough yeah
he raped millions
I thought it was something new, since he says there are many who observe humans. I was getting the impression that he is being used to set up something new.
The way he talks about the person who gave him the task, I think he said they were rather strict
What else would you expect from someone that keeps Satan in their heart?