You know, I can't be fucked to get all the different endings

You know, I can't be fucked to get all the different endings.

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then look them up on youtube, goon

snake is zero

how about i keep fucking you until you get them all?

what gives out first? your will or your sphincter?

They aren't hard to get user, if you are impatient just use the fast forward button on the emulator.

You only need to get two to finish the game. The rest are just bad ends, but have inconsequential hints towards the true ending(s). The game has a built in fast forward button on text you have read anyway so it's easy peasy to get what you need, then go to the next.

you need to do all the endings to get the true ending user

>play through the game for the first time
>get the submarine ending

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No you don't you only need to do the safe ending to get to the true ending

PC version is easier to get everyhing at least

wasnt it the girl? the protagonists friend? Or was that the sequel? I honestly cant remember

santa and akane are siblings and they are behind the nonary game

Why bother play a puzzle VN then?

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but snake died

Remember to never play other games in the series. It a one time game without any kind of sequel. Unless, of course, you enjoyed something like... The Last Jedi, for example. If that's the case, play the sequels right away.

VLR is fine. Not 999 good and a lot more uneven but some of the elements are very neat. ZTD if approached with the mindset of an unintentional comedy like The Room is tolerable.


junpei is zero

Just a reminder to read Ever17 and Remember11 if you liked ZE, they are both kino.

>the protagonist was the mastermind all along
would they really?

makoto naegi is zero

E17's pacing and atmosphere fucking suck.

Play the whole Infinity series not just those two.

you can't fool me, he got impaled by a spear and died, so he can't be zero

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The game absolutely could have used the timeline system from VLR
but honestly with the text skipping and a guide up for rooms you've already beaten, getting all the endings is a lot faster than you'd imagine

Alright, you got me.
It's me. I'm Zero. I'm Delta.

Nagito Komaeda is an anagram for "I am Zero"

check this zero

Attached: check.jpg (4000x2667, 718.27K)

in my opinion best order is:

skip knife and axe

I played Never7 as well, it's pretty mediocre for the most part and doesn't come close to the pure kino that is E17 and R11

Coffin isn't worth it. It's a "to be continued" road block.

never7 is pure fucking garbage

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