You know, I can't be fucked to get all the different endings

wasnt it the girl? the protagonists friend? Or was that the sequel? I honestly cant remember

santa and akane are siblings and they are behind the nonary game

Why bother play a puzzle VN then?

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but snake died

Remember to never play other games in the series. It a one time game without any kind of sequel. Unless, of course, you enjoyed something like... The Last Jedi, for example. If that's the case, play the sequels right away.

VLR is fine. Not 999 good and a lot more uneven but some of the elements are very neat. ZTD if approached with the mindset of an unintentional comedy like The Room is tolerable.


junpei is zero

Just a reminder to read Ever17 and Remember11 if you liked ZE, they are both kino.

>the protagonist was the mastermind all along
would they really?