Ajna on the front page!

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her brown feet
in my mouth

only after i came on them .

ew fuck off fag i ain't licking your stinky cum

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i already rubbed my pp on her feet before you had then in your mouth ,.,

Ajna's feet are for me alone!

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shame she's trapped on such a garbage game.

Ajna is very tasty, shame the devs got too hasty.

They should put her in Skullgirls

Even if her game wasn't good, I still want her ass on my face.

Please describe her areola, pubic hair, and vulva

>shit game
>shit characters
>shit kikestarter scam

>no porn

Indivisible really failed on all fronts.

>pubic hair
non existant
stinky,just how I like them.

Lame, call me when she's wearing sandals


Your scope is as pedestrian as your taste.

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She's a lot cuter now.

I'm a libtard and you're not even wrong.

>not even good porn

wew lad

>>no porn
are you for real?

Socks are gross.
God invented feet for a reason.

Socks are the best thing ever. But only if they fit the character design otherwise they just look tacked on.

sadly user is right. this is with all her tumblr bait side characters too

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uuuhhhh mmm yeah that's cringe. hard pass

maybe more porn will come once japan gets their translation

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I really wish her game wasn't shit

there isn't even a lot of feet porn of her sadly or at least not good stuff

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Drawfag here, i will take one request for anja, no feet

Not even her porn can save her game. And that's saying a lot.

>there are faggots in this very thread who backed/bought this shit game because of "MUH BROWN GIRL!"
Hahahaha, serves you right.

Ajna getting by spit roasted by prison guards in notJaffar's palace

squats in spats and sports bra

Yeah right. Whenever Zig Forums talks about this game, they almost always mention how they pirated it.

I backed it because I liked the combat and good animations. Razmi should've been the MC

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Anja's smelly brown feet

what has a brown girl done to you?

Isnt that the old hag for some reason horny losers tried to force she has a pretty body despite hinting the opposite with pose, hands, face and everything? Did it work for them?

why was this big titty goth girl the only good thing about the game?

I bought it because of the fun-looking gameplay and amazing art style. The theming of the world also seemed novel in a very good way.
Overall it was a fun experience that I'll never touch again. Getting 100% completion was a drag and there were multiple points when there was just no clear guidance on where to go, when there should have been. (You now have the freedom to explore three different paths in any order you want! But two of them require upgrades from the other paths, so it's actually linear with the bonus of wasting some of your time hitting temporary dead ends.)

>old hag
No? I don't know what you're talking about, she seems about Ajna's age and everyone in this world has a rocking bod; don't know why anyone would assume Razmi didn't either.

I feel like the game could have been more enjoyable if it didn't spend the whole time walking on cultural eggshells.

the guest characters will be good too

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Why has there been no good porn of the women from this game