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Video Games
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Video Games #5076
Video Games
This is an American video game spidergirl
You're not actually selling your turnips, right Zig Forums?
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Monster Hunter
Is piracy theft Zig Forums?
RDR2 PC requirements
HALT! It's ze' RTCW thread
Any good games about diving?
Mario lore thread
Shhhh... Quiet. Abby is sleeping
This game was the best in the series
Mafia is back on the menu, homeboys
What's the verdict? Is it a shitty persona rip off with tedious long winded gameplay or is it actually good?
What's the Zig Forums equivalent of this scene?
Woolie comes in with a topic he thinks they can talk about
Tifa Luv Thread Volume 2
Just a reminder that this exists and that it's coming out somewhere around 2020
Where were you when they ruined Overwatch?
Comfy tifa thread
So does anyone actually care about this? I liked Sly Cooper and Infamous, but this looks so bland to me...
What's your favorite PS3 game?
Find me a better ending
Literally how did this game succeed? I mean think about it
The Xenoblade Chronicles franchise is perfection and has no fla-
Fuck-Fuck Lizards thread!
Zig Forums suddenly hates tony hawks
Humble bundle
Why has this series been so horribly mismanaged for the better part of a decade?
Will it flop?
Why didn't you save her, Zig Forums?
According to science, this is the preferred type of vidya female character depending on your Testosterone Levels
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Will Run 'at a Minimum of 30 FPS' on Xbox Series X
New Daily Aerith Threat
What's your most controversial video game opinion?
Why was it never ported to anything? Does From still own Tenchu?
This game is garbage...
Why do people worship this guy?
How is this remaster managing to be so perfect?
How do you go from this
ITT: Gun stuff in video games that bothers you. I'll start
Geoff will reveal Demon's Souls remake tommorow
Who is the CUTEST vidya character of ALL TIME?
What the heck is happening?!!?!!?!?
What the fuck did I just watch?
Don’t want to support Disney’s fanfic trilogy
Fire Emblem
What happened to him Zig Forums?
Why does Nintendo cause the most seething out of the big three?
NuJill is cute, CUTE!
I'll just pirate this gpu
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
If your name is called, get off Zig Forums and go play the game posted
Witcher 1
Vicarious Visions
Is stalling a valid tactic?
She is in smash
Fuck Tony Hawk we want Skate!
Mario 64 HD Got Leaked
Jackbox thread
What is the single greatest western erotic game available?
Buy this game because I thought it would be some kind of mecha musou game based off the ads
Is it good
They went too far this time
Tony Hawk is cool and all
Tfw consoles are ridiculously expensive here because of tariffs
This hits so hard its not even funny anymore
How many games have you beaten during lockdown so far?
Subtle vidya apparel thread
Time to confess your vidya sins
Pokemon then and now
Tolki ain’t got nothing on this cheating ass bitch
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Who even asked for this?
What does Zig Forums think about low-poly graphics in games?
Uh oh AMDbros, we got too cocky!
No Switch
The Last of Us 2 meme thread, please post other memes of the game other than the choking ones
You DID bed her, right Zig Forums? Also New Vegas Thread
What’s the dumbest vidya lie/rumor you fell for as a kid?
Summer Game Fest Game Announcement
Has a game ever effectively BLACKED its playerbase quite like the DMR?
Mania killed the Sonic series
Dark Souls combat is not that good nor the strongest part of the game. And it isn't even that hard...
It's back baby. ITS BACK!!!!
Satisfactory on Steam
Best game of the console generation
Will we see more Japanese games with sjw agenda from now on?
The choke train never stops
No gaemz
Ask a soulsfag what's so good about this game
Favorite Zelda game, Zig Forums?
First word
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
Our game is le dark and edgy and we DON'T fuck around it has le sex and mature story and MORALLY GREY choices
Beyond: Two Souls coming to PC
This is the best game reviewer I have ever seen on YouTube
Tony Hawk’s phone number thingy (I forgot I was even subscribed it it) just texted me this...
Billy Mitchel is getting sued
It might be a little obscure but fuck it! GOTCHA FORCE thread!
How can such a simple game be a perfect 10/10?
Why does Evangelion only have an N64 game and VNs?
You can't identify the game in pic related
Dragons dogma thread?
Why is there still no AssCreed: Rome?
Game tries to pull at your heartstrings by killing a party member
Why was the '04 Twilight Princess reveal such a big deal...
'playing' online multiplayer games for social interaction only
Why didn't FF7 remake use the amazingness that were FF15 summons?
There was a Square meeting were they discussed this and decided it was ok
Worst Game I've Ever Played
Nioh 2 Thread
2020... I am forgotten
You losers need to get a life
Overrated shit on Zig Forums
Summer Game Fest Sunrise #1
What was the purpose of this character?
One the best "level editor" games out there
This game is pretty underrated
Avoid a game/series for years because it looks like a generic ripoff
Is Nintendo actually selling a second pack of DLC characters and they still haven't even announced the first one yet?
Hear only praise
Playstation is now Marvel
The great debate
25+ gamer thread
Trials of Mana
Citizens of Hyr/v/le, I've come with news
Do you enjoy your switch after a fun night, Zig Forums?
Great remakes
Which one?
So much irrational hate for the PS3 on this board when, with cfw installed...
Animal Crossing New Horizons
What is the best thing that ever happened to you in Animal Crossing?
Spend 300 hours playing a fighting game
RHETORIC [Trivial:Success] Play Disco Elysium
Main character's decisions can be argued as both right and wrong
New Harvest Moon announced, possibly open world?
Rage quitting a game
Yeah you know what we needed?
Best coomer games?
Are we ever going to get a good 40k game again...
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Reminder that "Call of duty" ruined a generation of FPS games
Sound thread
Fewer civs than launch AoE2's 12 civilizations
Whats keeping Linux from becoming a proper gaming OS and how do we fix that?
Residen Evil 8 will be "dark as fuck"
Why did Rayman never become a gaming icon?
Granblue Fantasy Versus
Some 13 year old zoomer in Korea donated $30,000 to Twitch streamers from his dad's account and got caught...
Not a single good game this year that isn't 2D pixelshit
Is she more bearable than Marie or does she get shoehorned a lot?
Why did Square stop creating interesting fantasy races in favor of sticking to just 'human' and 'human with tail and...
Visual Novel Thread
Oh no no NO NO
Poster tries to defend brawl
When did we decide as an industry that aspiring for the fame and admiration of the film industry were more important...
This is bowser
Resident Evil
Playstation Studios
ITT: hidden gems
Is final fantasy 12 and 15 worth playing
Game is has been out for almost 5 years
Why did they have to turn Xenoblade 1 into obvious weebshit? This remaster is a complete downgrade
Ace Attorney
He doesn’t play as an Argonian
A billion of x-com clones with turn based/tile based combat exist
Playing this for the first time
It's over
Dwaft Fortress is now PLAYABLE! HOORAY!
I am a Bloodborne lore sage. I am also fairly knowledgeable about Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Sekiro...
Which Samus do you prefer?
You have managed to find a Nintendo Switch right Zig Forums?
Criticise Sony
Here's your Baldur's Gate 3 bro
The Most Recognized Female Character in Gaming
Actually calls you by your name
Overwatch dev update
How do we save the Fate franchise?
It's the coomer level
BROS??? Hello?
Capcom to release “multiple major new titles” by March 31, 2021
Which is your favourite vidya character?
Anyone else tired of the narrative that these games are ultra hard? Is it just a meme? Are other games just too easy?
Which one to play?
ITT: Your greatest vidya shame
What went wrong?
Jesper Kyd is back
Name me some Good obscure ps3 or ps2 games that i probably missed
Be me
Dying light another delivery sim?
Streets of Rage 4
4k 144 fps here we come
Fighting games
How could Volgin tell that Snake wasn't Raikov just by grabbing his balls?
Unironically, how do we save MMORPGs?
Have you played it? If so, what did you think of it?
So how Blizzard is going to fuck this Diablo 2 remaster up? Any good guesses?
Get boss down to 1%
Samurai Shodown
Why is this piece of shit not optimized for PC?
ITT: Female vidya characters with femdom characteristics
How long until VR can do this?
Will Valhalla redeem the franchise?
So now that the dust has settled, was it any good?
Servers have been down for 24 hours
Games only you played
Alright bois are you ready for the best wow expansion ever?
Find this bitch in the Mojave Outpost
Do you trust game reviewers?
Played any good Switch games lately?
Do I really have to play all other Dragon Quest games to truly get DQXI?
Buy PS4 game
Which one is better to use on PC dualshock 3 or 4 to play games?
Christian character portrayed positively
I love dark souls!
Sekiro console performance?
How do you get out of Post-Persona depression?
X3: TC/Albion Prelude
RDR2 in DX12:
Game has a cockatrice enemy
Battle Shrimp Thread
Risk of Rain
Here's your Whitemane, user
Stop playing gachashit
Time to cash out
Why is he unfazed? If the character I spent time voicing gets shot for no reason I'd be pretty mad
You STILL haven't played a Yakuza game?
I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
I'm Stronger than a ant, if a ant was THIS BIG
Is playing videogames a real hobby?
What do I play if I want to beat things up with a sword and shield?
85% of mage damaging spells are AOE
Dokkan battle thread
Happy 30th birthday Etika. You will be missed
Notoriously hard boss
What game provides the ideal girlfriend experience?
Play Azur Lane
Spend money on game
What is the hardest game you have beat?
About to start this bad boy here. Which difficulty do I choose? Does it matter? What's "realistic"?
Is Zig Forums still buying psychical games?
Why did bioware put a forgettable Final Fantasy character in their game?
White hair
This bitch
New game reveal today. Any guesses?
Where were you when Sekiro got COOP and PVP invasions?
First person shooters are not popular with Japanese people because they get motion sickness playing them...
What have been your interesting Animal Crossing discoveries...
How do you go from this
Best videogame asses
He's killed hundreds of Nazis. How is he any better than them?
Zig Forums UNITE UP
ITT: Hidden gems
When did YOU give up hope on modern gaming?
He is right
Zig Forums has ruined gaming for good
Play Vrchat
A single chink with a lot of spare time and """"""stolen""""" assets :) managed to make this game
What the fuck was his problem?
First game is based on Goth aesthetics, music, and culture
Is there a more based console than a cfw PS3?
Lets settle this. which one is better?
Its never coming isnt it?
Are there any good phone games? Ideally singleplayer and not freemium shit
This single cat has turned AC players into either coomers or retards obsessed with creating an island full of only...
Honestly it looks fine
Can we get a graphics appriciation thread
Capcom aims for 28 MILLION sales by the end of March 2021. Multiple major unannounced titles currently in development
Unarmed fighting
What did they mean by this Zig Forums?
Mass Effect Women
Epic Store is adding achievements
Apex Loba
What is the most jewish move in the history of vydia?
So, which is the best grip?
Enemies that genuinely make your heart race?
How the FUCK do I kill this dude
The CD in CD projekt red means
Games where you can lose everything at a moment's notice?
You HAVE played the demo for GOTY 2020...haven't you?
He still hasn't played the best game Illusion ever made
If something only exists in pixels and your imagination. Is it really real?
Character is canonically the smartest
Why does Zig Forums hate Crash Team Racing?
Play Fate Grand Order
What gacha are you guys playing
Didju rike it?
Epic is going to add achievements, and they're actually going to be worthwhile, unlike the SAM abused shit on Steam
Why don't games have more scientists in them?
Imagine being so hated that people donated 20,000 dollars in two days to a GoFundMe made to sue you
Post images that single-handedly defeated Zig Forums
I hate this incompetent faggot company so god damn much, like HAHAHAHAH WHAT THE FUCK
5/5 GOTY Guaranteed
Did you know that japan sometimes our translates our threads to laugh at us and our shit taste?
Buying a laptop
...and this is our son's room. He's quite the gamer!
3x3 Thread
Who could stop him?
Will i like kingfield if i like the souls series?
Games that encapsulate this emotion?
Bee me
Next year is its 20th year anniversary
Daily Aerith Threat
Red Dead in My Chair 2
Xenoblade: Definitive Edition
Tifa was trained by Zangan, a world famous martial artist!
Zoomers will never know what old games actually looked like, emulation is soulless
01001000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110011...
Do people like this ironically? This game was extremely underwhelming and overrated
Did you guys ever red ring?
What games are you guys playing on the emulator?
Beat Witcher 3 on Death March difficulty
Ragnarok Online Thread
Tfw my husband just referred to his character as a "toon"
Why do switch games never go on sale? Everything about this console is expensive
Balamb Garden
Video game rpgs miss the whole point of rpgs the role playing
Are video games really better than sex?
I exclusively play single player games
Troy Baker's response about the leaks
Go to a random wikipedia article
Tomorrow is mine
Decided to try out Etiran Odyssey 3 since everyone seems to think it's the best game...
Why won't big game devs compress the files for downloads anymore?
Green flags for a game
Why is this game so universally hated? Every time i see it mentioned on a board people are constantly shitting on it
Dragon's Dogshit
You now remember Hamburger Helper
Today is his 30th's birthday, Zig Forums. How will you celebrate?
Monster Hunter
Tfw you will never have quiet as a gf
People want a strong woman lead character that is written good
Whats the best open world game out there
Would you play a 6ix9ine video game? What would the gameplay be like and what studio should make it...
Thank you very much for the user who suggested me pic related...
Why was he okay but Locke wasn’t?
Would Liu Kang look better as a girl?
This is Raymond, the face of the cancer that is the AC fandom. Say something to him
What happened? I thought Battle field was on the rise and we where all tired of COD when this game came out...
Zig Forumseels thread
Was the line about fucking 2B really necessary
Cyberpunk 2077
Titty Tuesday
MK11 Aftermath story entire plot
I am the Dragon Age Lore Kang
ITT: Tropes you love
Why do people get so ass blasted about eye candy in games now? Not like it hurts you
Despite all its flaws, I think the only inexcusable one is the voice acting
Have you ever been bullied for liking "children's games" or games that are not aimed at your demographic?
How accurate is this?
Dragon's Dogma Thread: Abandon All Delusions Edition
Reminder TLOU its his story and creation from it's inception to it's ending. So therefore, he...
Liking Sonic only because of the girls
So he's actually not time traveling, his prediction abilities are just enhanced to super-human tier right?
Favorite fighting game?
So why didn't best girl make it into hyrule warriors?
He got what he fucking deserved
Place... home
Fuck Bethesda. Why announce this game two years ago if it’s still years away from release?
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Post your AC villagers
What's your favorite cat villager, Zig Forums?
Terraria 1.4
More choking
These are the best girls from each house in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. If you think I'm wrong, explain why
Is centrist in your way
Grown men don't actually play this right
Have you ever picked up a game because you thought a character was hot?
Game series ruined by coomers
Pokekid is cuuuuute!
ITT: things that scared the fuck out of young you
Nemesis boss throughout dark Gothic horror action game is a giant chicken
Anyone else avoid using these now...
Japanese dub
How would you have made Yiik better? I'd start out with a better storyline...
Any oldfags, neets, or otaku want to talk about video games?
What killed the hype
Just got a VR headset and I've been having lots of fun
Why do westerners hate attractive women in video games?
Post your favourite enemy design
Take the blueberry pill
What video games are you playing this evening / morning ?
What's the optimal discounted price I should pay for red dead 2?
Welcome home Ashen One, speak thine heart's desire
Why were people complaining about Tifa's tits again???
This is a picture showing off just about every kind of alien humanity really believes exists irl
Here we go again
Crash Thread
Final fantasy XIV
I could cry
What's your opinion on the whole "internet horror monster becomes popular when someone makes a game based off of it"...
State of Decay 1 and 2
Honestly probably the scariest enemies in Dark Souls. Look how grotesque they look. And being cursed sucks
Ajna on the front page!
Chokes of us is eternal
I payed 90 USD for a chunk of pixels
Prove you're Zig Forums oldfag
I did it
When you compare it to XV and the remake it wasn't THAT bad
What was your reaction?
Ailments with debuffs in video games are lame. Why do devs still bother inserting them?
Can't enjoy vidya anymore
Post racing game casual filters, Sim, Arcade or otherwise
I just can't get over how much I'm disappointed in Death Stranding
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Ray tracing is such a fucking meme
I'm in fort joy with three companions and I think I fucked up my team comp...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine