Why does he scream all the time?
Monster Hunter
>When Brute Tigger is easier than his equally retarded cousin.
Which do you prefer, Zig Forums? *Autistic Screeching* or *Autistic Charging*?
Screeching. As someone that uses a weapon with low mobility, the constant charge is aids.
>need guiding lands odogaron parts for augments
>lure in odo
>tempered odo spawns in
>tempered drops different parts and not what i need
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
I don't miss that resolution
You can meld tempered parts into normal ones
How is this game?
pretty good
>They weren't sure if the game would be successful or not so they opted to cut a few corners.
God that's even worse....I mean I get it but they couldn't have been more wrong there.
I'm at least glad we're getting so many free updates but I almost wish we got another DLC rather than having to wait for a new game for the bugs I crave. Hopefully nothing from world (aside from maybe the unique boss/siege monsters like Xeno and Shara) gets cut in the transition.
It needs a (real) sequel.
Monster Hunter was pretty niche so it was safe to assume World was just going to be a decent hit and didn't explode like this.
It's aids for any weapon really. Time chasing or dodging is time not spent dealing damage.
What? Just wait until it does that stupid spin2win and counter it
Post your favorite monster right fucking now or Ill follow you home and kill your dog
>just wait out 3 charges
That's my point. You can counter brutes roar right away.
100% the game. Only took me 1400 hours. Holy fuck crown hunting was a bitch
I wish the fight wasn't shit because it's my favorite design in the series.
>Motherfucking ice elephant
>Not in Iceborne
It's pretty fun, but you might or might not like the combat system and it has some flaws that could've been fixed by a sequel (which isn't happening because it flopped), also the western release has some content missing, like being able to ride Teostra, Kushala or Rajang.
I'll post both of them, why not.
As much as I love Gammoth, she's way too fucking huge. The hoarfrost reach couldn't fit her at all. I honestly think they need to cut her down in size or she stands no chance of returning.
How are the KB+M controls? Mostly looking to use Great Sword or any of the other heavy hitters
Now get all crowns for all endemics.
There are only a few monsters I dislike though: Rajang, Uragaan and the gimmick fights (Behemoth, etc.)
If I use a kjar weapon that has crit status built in, and then use gold rathian armor that has true crit status, does the true crit overwrite the normal crit status on the weapon?
>velkhana breath attacks cannot be blocked without guard up
>no deco in sight
>no charm because it would mean dropping the guard charm since i don't even have a single ironwall deco
Why must i suffer so much every time with lance? I spent like two weeks before getting an augment, and i have yet to find another one (even with the alchemy)
>does the true crit overwrite the normal crit status on the weapon?
Yep, same goes for Crit Ele and True Crit Ele, they don't stack.
what augments do i go for in a hunting horn?
But if he spins2win what if he wins?
Win back harder
Same as everything else. Theres only 4 real choices.
And even those 4 choices dont make a whole lot of a difference in your weapon.
Odogaron, weapons look amazing too
Nergigante is the only ancient I really enjoy fighting
I don't mind the charging as much as the horrendous soulful hitbox.
Shit's baffling as both Barioth and Narga got tight hitboxes.
Anjanath. I love that stupid bald dinosaur.
Fulgur with his generator roar is great too.
Kut-ku on account of being almost too adorable to hunt.