Find me a better ending
Find me a better ending
ME3 because it ended a shitty franchise
There isn't because it's the most perfect display of the mix between gameplay and storytelling. Videogames were toys before this scene released.
Rest of the game is shit dont get me wrong. But the ending gives me hope that one day videogames won't be shit movies.
I wonder how it feels to get shot that many times.
>Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot
It's not the ending though?
That's not the ending though
im not gonna cry...
Black Flag when Edward looks at the table and sees all his friends
The ending was Jack getting redemption for his father.
>mass reply
>calling anyone a fag
Planescape torment
Rain World
Wasn't even the ending, retord lmao
Europoor NIGGER
Your taste is generic.
Red Dead 2s ending
American Venom is kino.
Only if you quickdraw kill the ones that confront you as you leave Charles and Sadie though
>Your taste is generic
The part with Dutch doesn't make much sense, though.
that's not the ending
I'm sorry. Did my correct post trigger you?
I insist you stop posting
why don't you use fucking spoiler tags FUCK
Sekiro setting/ending is as generic as it gets.
its the saddest ending
This isnt the ending
Sorry for being a decade behind slowpoke
permavirgins can't be correct user, especially the ones dumb enough to reply to massposters
Are you asking a question?
That jack post shit was fucking garbage, why was it even in the game
actually a goat tier ending
it was okay as the underwhelming epilogue mission, but not for anything else. Jack's a fag.
>got shot to death
>think I made I mistake as my boy John can't die
>use dynamite, use everything I could
>replayed the mission four times before realising this is the end and I have to accept it
>you were supposed to play this game ten years ago! keep up!
fuck you. I play things when I want, not when media tells me to. you should be more considerate of the fact that everyone isn't a trend following sheep like you.
you always were one for fancy words
I agree-I don't know why they didn't just have you duel Micah
OP and you both have 10/10 taste.
only thing I'd add is OoT's ending credits as an honorable mention.
lifted straight from Titanic. Pleb ending for plebs.
Its called an epilogue
>not even OP
>just some other fag trying to start shit
You will catch up to the rest of the world one day Grandpa
they ruined it with the button prompts in both corners
He says this, but in RDR2 John is a total retard who can barely even write
>red dead redemption
oh I just got it
Revelations was the last good AC. You can't refute this.
One always has to choose between quantity or quality. The one you picked is pretty obvious.
>made a sequel
utter bullshit, John is even seen reading books around the camp he even makes fun of Abigail for not being able ro read
100% true
I couldn't believe it when that ghost bitch said "Desmond".
its the canon ending
Ruined by later games, but when it first came out holy shit.
ya headcanon maybe
Dutch popping out of the cabin when you have your gun pointed at Micah.
Like being on fire and wet at the same time, then it gets cold.
based and sangheilipilled