Post your villager
Animal Crossing
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I love the LA ISLA hat. Is it the first time a piece of clothing has had a real language written on it?
>Mint has the DIY for the Golden Seat
>Turnips ain't shit, don't bother
>Leave a tribute of one gold nugget if possible, if not then please water flowers in enclosures
>Draw on the board please!
There's a sweater that says "Vita isolana"
Oh plus all the "hello" shirts of course.
R8 my villagers and island
Are personality subtypes actually a thing or was last OP just meming?
This is the first game that did clothing like that though, right? I don't think any of the other games had them.
It exists but as long as you have one of each main personality then you'll be fine.
There's a google doc with a bunch of autistic-looking datamine type stuff typed out, which looks legit enough to me
How do i get discordfrog off my island?
>that part around C3 where its all completely straight
I would try and get an A and B for each personality you double up on, unless there are two villagers in one subtype that you desperately MUST have.
Could use some work but I like it, the water part is cool
Your villagers get points for variety
>celeste gave me a flying saucer diy
You know straightaways occur naturally in this game, right user?
There are so few smug B and uchi B's that you don't have much choice if your doubling up on either of those
I also really want both Octavian and Rasher
>finally hit 5 stars today
Feels good.
I dont see how that addresses my point
There aren't many smugs and uchis in general so I can't see much reason to double up on them as it is, but in the end it's your island so you should do whatever you want. It's just my personal opinion.
Peanut wants a new greeting. Any suggestions?
He's a DIY I haven't gotten rid of yet, I'm not crazy about him either, frankly
>Entire island paved
Why do people like this?
I feel like the greetings are used rarely enough and in such a stilted way that it barely matters
Having paths helps with the natural flow of walking around, especially if you have visitors. And you can't tell much just looking at the map, since brick and dirt and custom patterns look the same from there.
Mixing civilization and wilderness>>>>>>>>Urbanizing your whole island
Deez nuts
Here's a little test for you: Post your favorite villager's catchphrase without looking it up, sparkles.
zip zoom
If I have typed the wrong number of r's, please forgive me
Oh, nuts!
ok vinny
Any KINGS have a bookshelf diy or could make me one ?
>dirt path
honk honk
Not a very hard thing to do, indeedaroo
>Paths and development
>>>Not urbanizing
Explain how a dirt path is "urban"
So it goes!
If you find a path in the woods you're not in the woods, you're in a park.
Reposting with updated code
Turnips at 604. Dodo code is 3V7KL
A single gold nugget would be nice but if you don't like the jew, then make a post in the townboard or water my flowers idk
You have half a hour before reset. I'm gonna be afk
So this would be an urban area?
Its certainly not the wilderness
This is a false dichotomy, there are more possible states than "urban" or "wilderness"
me meow, motherfucker
This literally adds nothing to the joke.
Wh-what is she planning?
I'll do you one further! Growf for female, Chomp for male.
Hey there, apha!
>For the last five days villagers have been talking about literally nothing but my shirt, me burying bells, or maybe digging up fossils