Animal Crossing

Explain how a dirt path is "urban"

So it goes!

Attached: buttfuck boy.png (510x382, 98.45K)

If you find a path in the woods you're not in the woods, you're in a park.

Reposting with updated code

Turnips at 604. Dodo code is 3V7KL
A single gold nugget would be nice but if you don't like the jew, then make a post in the townboard or water my flowers idk
You have half a hour before reset. I'm gonna be afk

So this would be an urban area?

Attached: 124772261-dirt-path-running-through-deep-green-forest.jpg (1300x866, 320.24K)

Its certainly not the wilderness

This is a false dichotomy, there are more possible states than "urban" or "wilderness"

me meow, motherfucker
