Bad ending is actually the best ending

Bad ending is actually the best ending

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This is unirronically the simp ending
>Sacrifice your friends for tribal pussy
>You are still murdered just for your seed

It’s a good ending and teaches retards who think with their dicks a lesson: if you kill off your white brothers and woman for tribal pussy you deserve to be killed. You will never be seen as one of them, you will always be an outsider.

Sounds based Tbh

That bitch look like Juwanna Mann

Dont kill your bros for pussy. Thats the lesson.

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Far Cry 3's ending. You get two choices:
Kill all your friends you spent the whole game saving in exchange for pussy (and get sacrificed)
Reject killing your friends and the pussy dies anyway but you and your friends escape.

Doesn't matter, had sex.

It's the canon ending imo, at that point in the game Jason is already too far gone, he's a savage who killed hundreds of guys and lived in the tropical jungle for who knows how long, he also had constant acid trips

I prefer the good ending though

You killed your bros for tribal pussy

Your child would end up becoming a strong warrior and will rule the island.
Its unironically for the greater good of your bloodline.

but honestly dude that pussy might have been fucking worth dying for.
fuck that roastie liz

Witcher 3

>one sex
>sure pregnancy

>Her goal is to get pregnant by you
>Kills you after you cum in her once, without confirming that she's pregnant

As expected from her skin color, she's a retard.

The seed is strong

Even in the good ending a few years later the US is getting nuked and either he dies in the blast or else he has to use his skills to survive at which point he probably goes crazy tribal again

white men realize their women are inferior

Yea but he says he's angry if you pick the save friends option in the epilogue.

Farcry 4 did this the best
>Hey player, just sit down here and wait, I'll be right back.
>Just wait like a non-autist and you get the best possible ending

>Even in the good ending a few years later the US is getting nuked and either he dies in the blast or else he has to use his skills to survive at which point he probably goes crazy tribal again

I don't recall any of that.

Holy fucking kek

Farcry 5

FC5 ending does a number of the far cry universe

In Farcry 5 the canon ending is the main bad setting of nukes to make it seem like the apocalypse that he said he foretold.

Far cry 3 is one of the most overrated fucking trash games I've ever finished.

>You are still murdered just for your seed
Isn't that the whole point of males in life anyway? Fight your way to the top to attract a mate and pass on your genes? Most male spiders for example are immediately eaten by the female after breeding

So why has there been a rise of Far Cry 3 threads recently?

nope it's the real deal
listen to the various in-game radios, they mention that the world is actively going to shit and halfway through the game Moscow is nuked
also explains why the US government isn't taking more action: WW3 is happening right now and it's looking like a real short war

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It's funny because white men have the highest interracial rates, but with all the Zig Forums bitching you'd think it was white women

That's right. Should've said you'd have to do it five to ten times to guarantee it.

A bit closer to heaven.

Attached: far cry 3 good ending.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Well, yes... Unless you get a pussy, then you immediately upgraded from simp to CHAD.

what happened to the sequel of this game? was it all a meme all along?