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Video Games #5084
Video Games
Unpopular Opinion Thread
Terraria: Journey's end
Remember this?
Western developers can't design hot female charac
The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing...
What are some other games that feature cool rain effects?
Is there an JRPG where you can actually see your characters levelling up?
The main character of the last vidya you played now must become a vtuber
Who is the beautiful vidya girl?
Street Fighter thread
When are we going to get multiplayer VR RPG with MMO like qualities that captures the actual nuances of role playing...
Mfw goty 2020 is already here
Post Red Dead Redemption photos. Arthur fashionfaggotry is welcome
Video game catgirls thread
Why do westerners love Zelda so much?
Post your idle animation
Boy I'm sure glad Sony invented the SSD and it's tech! Next Gen is HERE!
Your mom tries to play a game
How can we kill Coomers?
This shit is overated as fuck
ITT: Post your favorite female character designs
Animal Crossing
Next gen will be equivalent to an RTX 2060S/RX 5700
How many PS4 games do you own?
This was the best console rivalry and we will never see something like it again...
When did Monster Hunter lose its SOUL?
Monster Hunter
Favourite game
Are you playing Gears Tactics? What is verdict?
The Rape of the Kokiri Forest was an event that took place near the end of Ganondorf’s Conquest of Hyrule...
Half-Life 3 was confirmed months ago
It's out
Less than two weeks to go. who still physical copy here despite the virus?
Fuck cd project, the changed the price with making the game 1 cent cheaper, so people cant get the game for 5$...
I just started playing dragon's dogma, what can I expect?
They ruined it, the last fucking update killed the game. Fuck
I'm on Part 1 Chapter 8 and Elelgard hasn't done anything wrong and she's 100% in the correct when she speaks about...
Party member betrays you
How do you deal with having gamer hands? Is it worth living in constant pain to play games past the age of 25?
I can't play symphony of the night anymore bros
What makes this game much better than all of the other total war games?
Smash Ultimate Update 8.0.0 Leak
You know, it actually would be cooler if everything was origami and the story had nothing to do with paper...
Born in the 80s
Nintendo utterly BTFO by fans
How does she do it
ITT: Prove you're not a casual
Who is your favorite Vtuber?
ITT: Faces of Zig Forums. Don't be shy
SIE President On Why Backwards Compatibility Doesn't Matter
Why are “gamers” so against normal people sharing their hobby?
I don't really care about his design but why is his name just fucking "Bob-omb"?
What was the announcement that made you lose interest in Cyberpunk?
Will they ever top it
What is the vidya equivalent of this?
How come this is still the best ww2 game seven years later?
Why was this never ported to anything but the xbox 360? i would buy it for PC in a heart beat if i could
What is the "Return of the King" of video games?
Why Mario Kart DS is, was and until proven wrong by a new MK the Greatest Mario Kart ever
Why are both of these series so afraid of going back to their original formats?
Can Sony fans explain the logic behind this?
Is this game actually good?
Witcher III
How do we fix Granblue Fantasy: Versus?
SEGA comes out with SEGA+. Would you buy it? Imagine
Digital Foundry is currently facing a harassment campaign due to their positive video on Ion Fury game...
Zoomers will never understand
When did it jump the shark?
What was your first ever video game console?
How does Zig Forums feel about pic related? Was thinking about picking one up to hack it
What do you think of what we know of the game so far...
Thinking about buying an arcade stick to improve my game, any recommendations Zig Forums?
Does he deserve to be in Smash?
I don't think you guys have come to appreciate how bad the normie seething is gonna be when this game comes out...
What do you play with your gf?
One of the most long and highly anticipated games to come out in recent memory
You do fight for the lady right?
Digital Foundry: PlayStation 5 is WEAK AS FUCK
Is this actually good?
Why video games uses still triangles to model things?
What mechanic would you add to animal crossing to improve it?
Isn't it sad? Just unfair? How DMC4 looks much better than 5, but 5 is much more fun to play?
How come Sony fans are so extremely loyal to their system?
What’s her endgame?
ITT Outdated Concepts
I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun. Eorlund Gray-Mane's got that honor. The man's steel is legendary...
Since we're in a shit on Final Fantasy Week
Please, your omnipotence, have mercy!
WTF I suddenly love Angela!
Touhou thread
You're been studying, right?
Game fully acknowledges that certain roles are boring to play
You have 30 seconds to post your favorite Sonic character
They don't have the guts to do this in HD
Why is “tryharding” bad?
What’s that logo on Kojima’s shirt?
He allows companies to gain kernel level access just to play their games
Combat Evolved
Is there a video game equivalent to Ghost Stories...
What's the last game you played to completion, and how would you rate it /10?
How would a made in abyss game work?
Fuck Tanabe. Fuck him so hard. How the FUCK have they not given it back to Kawade yet...
Do traps belong in video games, or would it be better if they were replaced with a girl?
Nintendo murdered Paper Mario
He picks the female character
Songs that remind you of Aerith
These fuckers have to be the creepiest spiders in vidya
War for Cybertron will be ten years old next month
Is it possible to enjoy older games you dont have nostalgia for?
Post some good gaming channels that aren't passively looking the camera and actually care about what they play...
Remember when Zig Forumstards were pretending to care about the blitzchung incident and yet everyone started sucking...
Alright you memeloving fucks, it's THAT time again...
Are using save states cheating?
This is a megaman thread
Isn’t Chun Li supposed to be Asian? She looks white to me
Sakura Wars
ITT: Games that suck you into another world and make you feel immersed
Kill Ulfric Stormcloak
What are the best graphics in existence as of this date?
Thank you!
Final Fantasy XIV ARR Rework
Which of the games in this series are worth playing?
Wait, you can literally avoid the alien 100% of the time just by always circling him...
Why is there STILL anyone in the team Sony?
Tfw too stupid to build my own PC
Trials of Mana
To laugh is to...Hmmm...Yes
Rave.dj thread
Workers and Resources : Soviet Republic
How do we get Wolfenstein back on Doom and Quake's level?
Are you happy with the size of your genitals Zig Forums...
Why do Smash fans act like this?
Who is your favorite 2hu character?
It's a good game, just not a good [franchise] game
Admit it, you only play these games to brag about "MUH HARDCORE GAMER" and "git gud" memes
Gaming chairs
How can a psychopath be so cute
Uh oh.. aerith bros??
Projectiles randomly disappear
^ユニ pastel&cute(sweet magic raspberry taste) fairy castellated lune legonyan magic quantum fairy physics cake...
Why aren't you playing Caves of Qud?
Love local multiplayer
Cyberpunk 2077
Why is it always only lesbians?
3x3/3x4/4x4 Thread
Ghost of Tsushima
Western Zombies vs Modern Japanese Zombies
Why is gaming so stagnant nowadays?
Which one is the best?
How come Sekiro is still being talked about, but everything else from 2019 (except DMCV) was forgotten?
Is this game any good? I just wanna stare at her ass for a couple hours because i cant stop thinking about it
You are watching her stream right?
I can't get past the fact the main character is a female and I can't enjoy this game
Since there aren't any AAA PC exclusives anymore, are PC gamers just console gamers who built their console?
Do straight girls actually do this?
The witcher 3 DLC
Here are your cyberpunk 2077 romance options bro
Sunday vidya music bread
The eternal debate
How do you guys enjoy playing games on Sunday when you know tomorrow is Monday?
I'm playing hat in time on the switch and you can't stop me
Terraria: Journey's end
Which video game character can beat the flash at his absolute most bullshittingly overpowered state?
Cyberpunk 2077 thread
DAMN, look at all those TRIANGLES
Just played. I love it
Your favorite video games channel?
Mario sends you a text saying that he will be arriving to your house in 5 minutes for a fight to the death...
I guess you can call this a """LEAK""" though it's really not that big of a deal
N64 emulation is saved
Garyc thread
This is NOT OKAY
Steam Profile Thread
Are you ready to go home?
Queue for a game
Is change always a good thing?
B-b-but the combats too easy!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Why does Zig Forums hate idolmaster now?
Zoomer here. I'm not very impressed so far. The combat is very basic and all of the puzzles are simple kids stuff...
Do ann and makoto like each other? do they consider each other as friends?
Here's a webm of a fairy eating fruit
Nioh 2
Ratchet is a pretty cool dude who likes shooting stuff
Any games where I can kill confederate scum?
Sixth generation
How did blizzard let this happen?
Hero shooters
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Sonic Lost World
This is the last good Final Fantasy
Opponent says gg ez
I liked it
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Any good forklifting games ?
Dont feel like playing anything after I finished this game
How does it feel knowing that a shitty fast food restaurant is more in-touch with PM than Nintendo?
Be me, gay
Some faggot " redesigned " Shuten, and she looks fucking disgusting
Now that the dust has settled once and for all, can Zig Forums FINALLY admit this guy was right?
Soundtrack has vocals
Imagine being so pissed off about having to follow another character on a horse and listen to some dialogue
Phantasy Star/Phantasy Star Online
How do we fix the Horror genre?
So is there some new made pc game with really great graphics? Like Witcher 3 in 2015...
What exactly went right with the Fire Emblem franchise?
Are there any types of games you are bad at Zig Forums ?
What is the rarest trophy you've ever earned? Did you feel satisfaction for obtaining such a rare trophy...
What does Zig Forums think about VR gaming?
Whats with the industrys overwhelming Sony bias?
Opponent appears on my screen for split second
Cyberpunk 2077 "selfexplanatory" thread
June 4th is coming
What am I in for?
First time playing this, are there any essential mods?
Hello user!!!! what cool vidya are we playing today?
THAT game you deleted from your steam library
Smash DLC Thread
It's Sunday. what are you playing?
Do you miss the old internet?
Does anyone still care about Half-Life: Alyx? It seems to me that it has been forgotten pretty quickly...
Hard mode is LITERALLY impossible
Any weapon that allows the user to decide when to inflict damage AFTER having already been fired is pure cancer...
Graphics thread!
Whys is every american in some kind of debt and owns 10 different credit cards?
Do you play male or female in your vidya, Zig Forums?
What was their best LP and why was it God of War?
Quake Pro League
FSL 2019
Why can't Japanese devs make proper graphics. Everything looks like a mobile game no matter what platform
I picked this up and it's pretty cool but I have no idea what I'm doing
The Medium is a third person game with some fixed camera angles for dramatic effect. That's pretty neat...
Hentai games
You have 5 seconds to prove you aren't cringe
Chun Li
Villain kidnaps your girl
How can they even compete!?
Boss has an unavoidable attack
Ready for my game Zig Forums?
What am I in for? I've never played the game
Why don't you play FFXIV and find yourself a cute gf anons?
Nomua appreciation thread
Is fan service in vidya necessary?
Where's my GT 710bros at?
Devs like a character the playerbase hates and tries to force the players to like them
Chokeposting : Goodbye edition
Has a game ever disturbed you?
Orks get a decent rework but still not a really powerful faction
Port every WiiU game to the Switch except this one
Barely put together glitchy and buggy mess of a game
Look, old man; you can talk big all you want, but at the end of the day...
Tfw Overseers are the only faction who remained loyal to Empress Emily and laid down their own lives for her while the...
This game proved that video games can be better at story telling than movies and even books
What games have a British faction?
Xenoblade DE
Everyone is bitching about new Paper Mario not being like the old
Bloodborne lore
Who do you pick?
I'd like to see you do better
Best remake of the year comes out of fucking nowhere
How big do you like your damage numbers in RPGs?
Unreal engine 5 looks legit poggers. might buy a ps5 now
So I’m expected to have fun doing the same boring repetitive blue shrines over and over and over again so once I do 4...
Why don't more games have Indian characters?
Xbox arcade/PSN games
You're time travelling back to the year 2000
I shall dance for eternity as the witch who brings you dread! You and I. Together, we shall create the final fantasy
Will PC holding back the gaming industry?
ITT: Games that you always wanted as a kid but never ended up getting for whatever reason...
Elden ring
The best sex scene in the history of gaming
Mmmm what happened doombros?
Oh yeah that happened
This is adorable!!! Just another reason to play VRchat!
We need a way to sell our game
Need some help with this game, how do I lose my virginity status...
Why do smashfags have an aversion to other fighters?
Dead or Alive
He wanted a Switch
Post games
Remember 7 or 8 years ago when people would argue which was the better game between Terraria and Minecraft?
May i look at your purchase history?
VTuber thread bad
Hey guise >^w^< i found this really cute boy on tinder, what should I say to him haha I wonder if he likes video games...
Anyone remember this show?
What happened? Obsidian made your favorite New Vegas. So why did Outer Worlds flop?
At what point does a video game get a rated “A” rating according to ESRB standards?
Fighting Game Girls™
Vehemently opposing non inclusive mechanics such as voice chat
Here it is
Is this game supposed to be so fucking boring?
This thing is sold out everywhere I look online...
What video game (or its fanbase) best encapsulates this image?
Will western devs eventually get the hint on how we want girls to look in video games?
How does anything on this pic look cyberpunk to you?
RTS thread
BWC breeding machine
Games with good localizations?
Animal Crossing
What's Zig Forums honest opinion about games made by female developers?
Who is your favorite Vtuber?
Why did Nomura drag his AIDS-infested belt-asphyxiated cock all over the remake and fuck up delivering what has been...
So what you guys think about this game?
Does using Ethernet actually help?
What is the last game you bought full price and did you regret it?
A hat in Time thread
Zoomers will never experience beating a level your little bro is stuck on while he watches in awe
Be honest, youre gonna buy it on day 1 no matter how shit it is
Would you categorize it as a horror game?
Why is he so cute
Fuck it
Rate it
What's her endgame?
Are you happy with the size of your genitals Zig Forums?
What did he mean by this?
The absolute state of Reddit
He actually thinks Sonic was never good in 3d
What are your honest thoughts on makoto?
Post your first RPG
League, IQ, PC culture and Assassins
Last game you finished
Deadly Premonition
Drop the T
Dissidia Duodecim
Seeing people get hurt in VR is good fun. Posting webms
Damn steam kikes won’t put out a refund, guess I’m stuck with a Denuvo riddled shit
What are the drawbacks to console gaming?
Is this worth 59.99
Tifa Thread
Potion has side effects
People who play video games are:
Does this mean XSX is way more powerful than PS5?
2010s nostalgia thread why are the 20s so shit
Buy Library of Ruina
Her name is Kiryu CoCo. Please watch her stream
Did someone say "Civilization-Killer"?
It's way better than infinite
So, which fire emblem had worst writing, Radiant Dawn, Fates or CF?
Why did TLOU2 go the political route?
What's the name of this game?
Come gather round people, wherever you are
What're your favorite genres? I like Metroidvanias, Strekkens, Devil May Gaidens and Resident Hills
Why is Jessie such a fuckin thirsty bitch?
Mic up dude
Would doomguy had relented killing the demons had they looked like this and were friendly?
What do you think about gaming culture, would you consider yourself a part of it and would you call yourself a gamer?
NO ONE likes this council thing. So why did they make this council? How does it make Twitch "safer"...
Game has dating sim elements
Is fan service in vidya really necessary?
What's your favorite celestia sprite? mine is this one
What are some true facts about gaming in 2020 that you would not have believed in 2010?
You didn’t actually expect the remake to be good, did you?
Tekken with swords is the 2nd highest reviewed game of all time
What is going on at Bethesda? Will Starfield and TES6 be shit...
Any good upcoming JRPG
All this time and we've never noticed. I'm so fucking mad
Pick two of these to improve in BOTW 2, at the cost of one being downgraded
Will you play the next Battlefield game?
Post yfw you've exhausted every bit of content out of a game but you still don't want the ride to end
Ost has 5 fucking discs
Pokemon's soul is gone
Its unironically good now
Artstyle backfires by taking the paper aspect literally and turning the series into garbage paper gimmick puzzle games
Thoughts on the mclassic?
Can we take a moment to remember the times when multiplayer games actually had clear, simple...
Now that the dust has settled, what does Zig Forums think of God of War?
Terraria 1.4
Why does Zig Forums have such a hate boner for AMD?
User - "DUDE FUCK MOVIE GAMES, nothing but QTE's and shitty linear gameplay"
This FFVII "Remake" has the most cringe plot I ever fucking seen in any game
Final Fantasy tactics
Vampires or hunters?
The council will decide your fate
Removes Anvil
Where can I buy these for cheap? Are they worth it as just a display? I just graduated high school...
Are there any games where I can play as a brown tribal girl?
So, can we all agree the west won this one?
Samurai Shodown
I miss homegirl like you wouldn't believe
Played this for the first time in years, this time on Grounded difficulty and it was actually a really great experience
Its clear that tifafags feel threatened by the superior Aerith and lowered themselves to posting pics like this of...
How would you make a Superman game?
One of the most underrated games of all time
Suck it
I don't think I have simultaneously loved and hated a game more than this in my life
Animal Crossing
This is the best Tifa
Why is this game optimized so poorly?
Were they right?
2020... I am forgotten
Play Toehou
What is the Evangelion of video games?
What went right?
Voice chat is enabled
Is it the new star citizen?
Do I need to play the original Shadowrun before playing Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall?
Take me back Zig Forumsros
Why do we love female knights so much Zig Forums?
What did you like or dislike about what we've seen so far from the new Paper Mario...
Name a better movie licence video game
Miku time
Game has "updated" graphics
自由泰米爾帝國 該死的白金條約 Free Tamrielic Empire 紅環之戰 Battle of Red Ring 掠奪帝國之城...
About to start this, what am I in for?
Smash Zig Forumseekend
Tfw remembering all the great people i used to talk to daily on my steam friends list are long gone
This is Kerillian. Say something nice to her!
Imagine having this garbage as one of your favorite fps and games of all time
What's the point of owning physical media if they'll all rot and become destroyed before our the end of our lifetime?
Games ruined by horrible translations
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Bad ending is actually the best ending
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine