3x3/3x4/4x4 Thread

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Looks lika a typical "i want to impress Zig Forums" list but its pretty good. Demon Souls is best Souls, the RE Remake is really good and Ikaruga is fun.

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>Looks lika a typical "i want to impress Zig Forums"
How come? The only games I can consider to be "circlejerked" here are arguably BB, Demon's, and Pathologic. And these were all games I genuinely enjoyed.

Did you use a website to make that chart? Link?

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I need to try out Dragon's Dogma sometime.

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OP you should play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons if you're into cinematic platformers like TLG/Ico, it's very good

will do, thanks for the recc

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Thanks for the link but how do I add box art to the cells

>cs go

nvm I'll just download images from google and upload them. assumed this site was like that one movie collage maker site where you can search their database and do it easy peasy. Thank

7/7 +BB, NGB, DeS, SR, CT, SH, MS3
4/4 +CT, RE4, MGS3, Okami
5/6 +NV, BB, PST, DaS. -sotc

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I think ill change my format to this

But besides that, you're cringe dude, id respect your 3x3 but you need to let people express their taste without your "ackshually" opinion raining down on them afterwards

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Still mean to try out drakengard and gravity rush some day


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Are Nier and Nier: Auto part of the same universe as Drakengard?

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I haven't played a single game out of this 3x3 except for DMC1.
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Not really meant as a jab. Its good if you like all the games genuinely but sometimes i just have the slight feeling with some 3x3's that they just want to be liked by Zig Forums. For example, i have Crazy Taxi and CSGO in my 3x3, not really popular games on here but i would be lying to myself if i chose a more generally well liked game.

Drakengard's gameplay might be bit rough and clunky but take it for me it's all worth it for the kino story.
You definitely need to play Gravity Rush, that's a game you should never miss on. Extremely fun gameplay, gorgeous graphics/art and an engaging story (especially GR2).
Yes they are. Personally I'd never recommend someone to play NieR before playing Drakengard. There's a detailed timeline on the web explaining how to follow the DrakeNieR series.

What do these +'s /'s and -'s mean?

Are the pluses the ones you've played and the others ones you haven't

Or are pluses ones you like and others ones you don't

I mean to a degree, but I'd also think that just people are attracted to this site because people share their interests. I mean if your favorite games are sports games, modern war shooters or highly cinematic games you just won't stick around too much. Not to see that Zig Forums is somehow more "gamer" or less "casual". If you're into games like Dwarf Fortress or very detailed strategy games you also won't stick around either for the most part.

Usually it's + means liked, - not liked, / not played I assume.

>Rain wlrld hiding in the top right
You love to see it


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I am going to play Forbidden Siren this year when I get some free time. After I replay the Silent Hills

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It's fucking fantastic. Everything about it is great. The gameplay, the level/world design, the art direction, the lore, the atmosphere. Probably the best recommendation Zig Forums has given me in years.

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Although very unique, Siren 1 is a bit obtuse and very difficult if you are going in fully blind. There's no shame in looking up partially on guides.
Also the story is pretty kino.

Kino list except for tf2 and smash


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Aesthetic chart.