Terraria: Journey's end

trophy room edition

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im gay btw idk if it matters

>master mode
>surface and underground has only meme items
>no hearts underground
>die countless times trying to reach the dungeon and cheese for water bolt
>no drop
>turns out you can't get the water bolt before defeating skeletron lol
>ocean has shit meme items
>use ropes on random parts of the world to reach sky islands
>no starfury
>go bomb the corruption cores for meteorite
>turns out that the meteorite doesn't drop before killing the corruption boss
>"goblin army is arriving from the east"
>die infinite times
>base is now a graveyard
>getting fucked by scary monsters now
>can't end the goblin invasion
>dying faster than I can dig out the graves


Meanwhile, I rage gen an expert world because fuck that shit mode, and I get boots, buffed spark staff and the new overpowered finch summoning staff right away
Master mode is literally a lottery depending on how the worlds generates

This happiness shit really fucks with my OCD. I want to have everyone in one place, but now you need to place them in different parts of the map to make them happy.

What do you guys think of the new bosses?

Same for me. I used to put everyone in 5x10 rooms packed together into one shoe box. Now I have to build a town, but it's not as bad as I thought I was.

Good, these are all good changes
Stop playing on master if you are bad at video games

yeah i think i will stop playing on master mode and go back to expert, i play terraria to have a comfy time and help with stress not to die in 2 hits

Yikes, embarrassing post!

I keep forgetting how awful traversing the world is early game. No wings, slow as hell, grappling hooks are short, no sky bridge or rail system since those take a while to build.
Also, fuck slime rain. It's not even hard, it's just super tedious since I'm always getting gang raped by 30 slimes at all times; even if I kill them all, they all get replaced thirty seconds later.

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I like the happiness/pylon system.

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>star spawn rates are so fucking high that my first eye of Cthulhu got hit by 3 stars

Who approved this shit? I bet that I could beat this shit on master mode naked as long as I got lucky

hey man if you want to play a game where you die every 2 hits thats fine for me. have fun.

i won't

can you get the music from the 05162020 world to play in normal worlds somehow?

Music option with Party Girl.

Me too, one of my friends is bitching about it but I’ve had no issues

nice, i was hoping thats how it would work since you can go back to the old one that way. thanks.

Give me some early game materials build inspirations, please

just did this. all wood/stone+sawmill material
you can even tear down underground shacks for the wooden column and mixed wall

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Thanks nig

Is journey mode fun? I already did expert two years ago and master mode doesn't seem that fun.

journey mode can be literally anything you want with difficulty changes on the fly

Journey mode is cringe shit for kids. Are you a literal 10 year old boy? You'll probably love it. Are you an adult male? Play Master or fuck off.

journey = creative

where my bee bois at

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Do you think he is still alive to play this update?

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Not gonna lie bros, I'm having mixed feelings about this update in general.
Mainly because of the ghosts, meteorites, no corrupt version of the jungle, the corruption being on top of the jungle and how fucking far away houses can be with the biome requirements.
But the last one can be circumvented with artificial biome islands. Oh and let's not forget how simple Master mode is.

unfortunately he died due to terminal autism

Is there a way to change a world's difficulty after it's set?


Bomb corrupted spheres
Get either musket or vilethorn