Why would anyone choose nomad over street kid or corpo? On a subsequent playthrough maybe, but never on first.
Cyberpunk 2077
Why would anyone make constant shitpost threads about a game that isn't out yet completely ignorant of what the game draws from and the original property as well as the genre it's in over and over again for two years?
I would because nomads are way cooler and I want the alien perspective of Night City.
Corpo is a normie choice and Street Kid is so generic.
Imagine not being a based nomad
Nomad = Mad Max
and that's based.
explain your reasoning, OP.
because they're like me
Corporate all the way, fuck the poor
but user, most corpos are poor or middle class.
I'm planning on going Street Kid, and hard Chaotic Good. You think this can be done?
>D&D alignments in Cyberpunk
You're in for a rude awakening chum
>Looked at the bulge
Shit, am I turning bi, now?
considering you're a namefag, yes.
I'm genuinely just interested to see just how far I can go as a morals-first Rorshcach-like character, with no augs?
Not those at the tippy top of the corporate ladder, pissing down on the rats scurrying about on the streets. That's the corporate for me
Nomad Chad all the way. Me and my bad ass band of road warrior are going to torch Night City.
Fuck off, namefag.
>Wanting to join up with some soulless corporation that will betray you if you don't do what they say
>Not being a rebel or anarchist that lives by his own rules and takes down the corporation
Corporation might be the strongest, but they're also the one that probably has the most rules and shit.
but V won't be that type of corpo. You are most likely ousted or betrayed and end up in the streets somehow.
>with no augs
I absolutely love Mad Max. I play the shit out of Borderlands. The desert, the survive at all cost mentality, the total disregard for safety when driving- it’s very exhilarating.
But when I think Cyberpunk, I think tech and crime. To me Nomad feels the most distant from the theme. Street Kid is the grind in an urban setting, while Corpo is the cutthroat drive to ascend the ladder. Nomad just feels like an afterthought.
Why would anyone choose to play this shit instead of watching paint dry? Our world is full of mysteries.
have a readable version on me
I want to role play as harrison ford in blade runner what do I choose?
After reading that, I can safely say I'll go hard Nomad on my first run.
nice, thanks!
I’m still mildly irritated I can’t be a cop on the mean streets of the 21st century. It was one of the more i interesting classes in 2020 just because of the amount of conflicting influences you would have to deal with and that would translate to a video game in an interesting way.
Corpo I guess.
Fair point and even though I'm going to choose Nomad I do wonder why they chose nomad as one of the unique lifepaths available. Nomads in Cyberpunk 2020 are not recommened to run in a city setting etc, so they surely must have some good reasoning.
You’re going to have the everloving shit railroaded out of you is what’s going to happen.
Well, all lifepaths have their own unique starting positions, but I wonder how the Nomad story will be intergrated with V, railroad or no.
Why would anyone buy these stupid kid's games?
Im going corpo, the sleek designs are better than baby whiny anime faggots drooling over pink and blue neon