Why did TLOU2 go the political route?

I don’t particularly enjoy politics in my video games. I prefer a more apolitical approach. I don’t understand why they feel the need to shoehorn in these different ideas when they could’ve focused on making a fun game. This game doesn’t get my cash.

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To make it controversial and garner attention, as much publicity as they can.

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Pretty sure all those games are political in some way

That’s probably the joke.

Political in what way?

Tranny = Politics

Politics is when game woman not make my pp hard

That joke is a throwaway gag for a throwaway NPC, very different from mother games constantly preaching you

Communist or Facist I think we can agree. Presidente has our backs.

> Main character happens to be lesbian
Take your onions


>NA cringe : r/politics : pseudo-intellectual internet debaters : the picture.
See, immediate cringe.

t. homosexual that likes dick in his ass

The commies are pushing the meme that:
1) People saying all games should be apolitical.
2) In actuality, everything is political.
No one is saying games can't be political. Everything is political only to a Totalitarian.

The joke is that TLOU2 is the least political of those games and saying its's political is fucking stupid.
Absolutely nothing wrong with just saying it's a dumb fucking plot that's going to be poorly executed but people have to go full victim mode about how it's a greater attack against GAMERS

Is this image supposed to be a meme? Almost all of those games can be interpreted as political, especially if they were released today.

MGS3 literally has a female soldier who beats the shit out of Snake. Sigint also brings up some of the racism he experienced

Fallout 3 has a rich landlord who the game considers objectively evil (as in, you literally gain good karma for killing him) who wants you to nuke a town because it blocks his view. He’s also racist to ghouls. If you help the ghouls they murder all of the wealthy landowners and take over and if you kill the ghouls after you get bad karma. Literally advocated a violent revolution to overthrow the rich

Bioshock features a theoretical libertarian, Ayn Randian utopia completely falling to ruin due to the gap in inequality between the wealthy and the poor

Deus Ex Mankind Divided literally has “aug lives matter” in it

>The joke is that TLOU2 is the least political of those games and saying its's political is fucking stupid.
war bad
war bad
killing little girls bad
Nazis bad
>Watchdogs 2
muh cyberpunk
>Papers, Please
commies bad
>Tropico 3
commies bad
muh cyberpunk

>If you hate it, you are a sexist neo nazi!

Aktschually TLOU2 is
>actions have consequences
Joel killed someone's father, that someone is out for revenge. Zig Forums only has a problem with it because the chick is buff (unreasonably so) and her fuckbuddy is a latino.

What do you mean by this? He’s literally the Vice President and the second-hand man of the main villain. Worst he’s an NPC based off a real person. This would be the equivalent of putting Trump in game, filled with the dumbest quotes he’s ever said.

Ye it's a joke, epic gamers have no problems with political games as long as there are no women and blacks in them

It can also be
>this world is shit, people are awful and out to kill each other, you will not survive for long if you’re a killer because of all the enemies you’ll make

>Fallout 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Wolfenstein New Order

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There you go. People just don't like the absurd gymnasium and shit.

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You had to project so hard on that last one didn't you user?

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>actions have consequences
>it is based on something that happens in a cutscene
>Oh no don't kill this child murderer! He has a family!
I'm only really shitting on the "everything is political" fags.

Except many of those games had women in them.

> Main character happens to be lesbian
More like "main character was made a lesbian to compensate for her having no personality or charisma."

Political content in games are pretty standard affair. The politics of the twitter frenzies surrounding every game releases though are another story.

I just don't want leftist politics in my games. Video games should and have in early times be white dude power fantasies of killing shit and fucking maidens. If it wasn't for the onslaught of simps that thought by virtue signaling to the posion dart frog hair people was a way to get laid, we wouldn't be in such a bad postion right now. Maybe, idk (((they))) would of figured it out.

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There is no such thing as women, just traps.

We live in an age where Jews and Blacks get called Nazis simply for being right of AOC.

> TLOU comes out
> muh waifu Ellie, she's so perfect
> TLOU2 announced
> she has no personality or charisma wahhhhh

Nice pasta

Right of a centrist is pretty close to being nazi my dude

I honestly think I could enjoy a trans female to male on buckets of testosterone golf club homicide simulator in an apolitical kind of way.

the same way you can enjoy Hotline Miami despite its own political messages.

What does jews and blacks trying to be "One of the good ones" have to do with anything user?

Well yeah you're a self hating simp.

You are joking right? Or are you just a north-american high-school goer? Don't reply, rhetorical question.

Honestly, if I get to kill people as a roided up tranny with a golf club then I have nothing to complain about.

>it is based on something that happens in a cutscene
Making me sleepy with your shitposting, user.

>implying anyone on Zig Forums ever liked Ellie for her character rather than her cunny
>implying me wanting to stick me penis in tlou 1 Ellie means I can't point out cuckmans shitty writing ability

>N-n-no they don't mean it haha :)
Cope, republitard

You're the murrican here boy, your whole political world is just the right, you have no perspective and no actual ideals if you think aoc is not a centrist. You're completely brainwashed and brainrotten, now go back to chugging mtdew with your "rhetorical questions"