Girl joins the game

>girl joins the game
>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
>match ends
>"gg later dudes"

Attached: 1548073649125.jpg (640x640, 62.3K)

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>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
never happens

Attached: 1583058681987.jpg (720x486, 89.39K)

never happened

ive been playing a game called deceit recently and its really weird just how much of its playerbase is women. you literally cant play a round without at least one.
its funny because its a game about hogging all items to yourself, lying and backstabbing people

>i had sex before turning 40

this is a thread for things that never happened right?

Why does Zig Forums find it impossible to believe a girl can be good at video games?

Played with a dozen or so girls in many different genres of games, yet to see one not get carried by team or play without contantly checking phone.

ahhh its this thread again
i cannot wait for the inevitable bump limit to be reached

Sorry but women don’t have the cognitive or intellectual ability to be good at video games