Girl joins the game

>girl joins the game
>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
>match ends
>"gg later dudes"

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Other urls found in this thread:

>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
never happens

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never happened

ive been playing a game called deceit recently and its really weird just how much of its playerbase is women. you literally cant play a round without at least one.
its funny because its a game about hogging all items to yourself, lying and backstabbing people

>i had sex before turning 40

this is a thread for things that never happened right?

Why does Zig Forums find it impossible to believe a girl can be good at video games?

Played with a dozen or so girls in many different genres of games, yet to see one not get carried by team or play without contantly checking phone.

ahhh its this thread again
i cannot wait for the inevitable bump limit to be reached

Sorry but women don’t have the cognitive or intellectual ability to be good at video games

Traps aren't girls, user. No matter how much you want them to be.

Sounds like an 'essentially woman' game right there

>OP copies this template again
>still a faggot

>go on Zig Forums
>go post the bait thread with the same bait image and text
>"I'm a faggot haha"

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If any of that was the case you would never have known it was a girl to begin with

Every girl I've met who played video games was shitty to mediocre.

>what is voice

Never happened and if it did you were dealing with a tranny, not a girl

because despite playing videogames my whole life I've only ever met one girl that can be considered somewhat on my level of skill and better than me in one or two games
>girl joins the game

>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
google "women in e-sport" and enjoy

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>>she's actually got skills and kicks ass
and then you woke up

I can't think of anything more emasculating than losing to a girl in any aspect of life.

Name ten.

>a game about hogging all items to yourself, lying and backstabbing people
and do the women kick ass here?

I've played with a few girl (female) gamers that were pretty good. They were uggos though.

Not in the rounds I play since I'm a better liar than them.


nani the fuck

>girl joins game
>she's followd by her personal simp who does nothing but orbit her for the rest of the game

Because males are superior at fucking everything a woman does. Both physically and mentally. Females only purpose in the world is for bringing more males and females outta their stomach.

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I doubt that unless it was a tranny, and even then there's like a 50/50 chance of them being autistically good or somehow even more retarded than an actual woman.

Literally me

I've known some girls good at games, its definitely rare though.

Humans were a mistake

can't even name one lmao

I wish that could be true, but girls rarely have genuine personalities and try hard all the time. Their mannerisms and girlish behavior get on my nerves. Only decent wemen I had fun with are two housewifes who I ran a group in guild wars 2, they were chill.


>girl joins the game healing her bf who actually got skills and kicks ass

It's physically and mentally impossible for them to be anything but mediocre at best compared to men, that's why they try to kick men out of everything. They were bred to be property, not human beings

Never ever happened

crazy people shouldn't be allowed on teh internetz, they shouldn't be allowed to live in general desu

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name one girl who can compete at the world championship level


Am I the only one that finds this cute?

I've been playing videogames for 30 years and this shit never happened.


only games they are good at invoke my cock

>all these new fags that have not seen this DEER despite it being spammed no stop on every fucking website for the past 3 days

>she's actually got skills and kicks ass

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because theyer usually bad at video games. its OK because theyre good at other stuff, like wearing skirts when sitting at a desk so I can see their striped panties or sitting forward in their chair so their shirt lifts up from their back and i can see their striped panties.

>30 years

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I need to impregnate a pretty girl

Excellent take, user

Judit Polgár


Whomst? Lmao

>nose ring
Fucking disgusting

From my nearly 20 years of experience playing games I have yet to see a good female player.