>the several levels on a dungeon are not separate instances; instead, when you go down the stairs you actually do like you would in real life, seamless traveling from one place to another with no skips
I think they are doing it again. Blizzard is back.
They won't be able to resist the urge to put loot boxes / season pass / staggered content DLC / real money auction house / subscription service in the game. They can't do it anymore. Every single game must come included with SOME sort of way for Blizzard to extract more money from players and it will absolutely interfere with normal players.
Grayson Ross
Nope lol. They are gone for good and never coming back. They've been on a steady decline following the Burning Crusade release, they haven't made anything decent since then.
Daniel Jenkins
bs such technology doesnt exist in 2020
Cooper Harris
Word "diablo" in name is false advertising if this game won't have decent itemization, and I can guarantee that this game won't have it and will be lucky to have something at D3 level, because shareholders don't like it when you alienate complete retard audience, and pleasing shareholders is infinitely more important to bl*zzard than pleasing you.
Jordan Price
If you want Diablo II just play Diablo II
Christopher Ross
>nobody should want anything new and good because old good stuff already exists Shit like this is why new games are trash. Retards like you allow it.
Ian Roberts
Does my phone have enough RAM to support that kind of technology?
Aiden Ortiz
Is there a single person who had problems with this? Going for Cave 1 to Cave 2 always gave a concrete sense of progression for me and reset the fatigue from exploring.