>the several levels on a dungeon are not separate instances; instead, when you go down the stairs you actually do like you would in real life, seamless traveling from one place to another with no skips
I think they are doing it again. Blizzard is back.
They won't be able to resist the urge to put loot boxes / season pass / staggered content DLC / real money auction house / subscription service in the game. They can't do it anymore. Every single game must come included with SOME sort of way for Blizzard to extract more money from players and it will absolutely interfere with normal players.
Grayson Ross
Nope lol. They are gone for good and never coming back. They've been on a steady decline following the Burning Crusade release, they haven't made anything decent since then.
Daniel Jenkins
bs such technology doesnt exist in 2020
Cooper Harris
Word "diablo" in name is false advertising if this game won't have decent itemization, and I can guarantee that this game won't have it and will be lucky to have something at D3 level, because shareholders don't like it when you alienate complete retard audience, and pleasing shareholders is infinitely more important to bl*zzard than pleasing you.
Jordan Price
If you want Diablo II just play Diablo II
Christopher Ross
>nobody should want anything new and good because old good stuff already exists Shit like this is why new games are trash. Retards like you allow it.
Ian Roberts
Does my phone have enough RAM to support that kind of technology?
Aiden Ortiz
Is there a single person who had problems with this? Going for Cave 1 to Cave 2 always gave a concrete sense of progression for me and reset the fatigue from exploring.
Lucas Collins
nice shilling OP
David Smith
It will be bad but I'll probably still play it because fuck poe and its currency bloat
Levi Sullivan
>op thinks that is a good idea >game startup loadtime is 40minutes, unplayable on anything less than a 4.5ghz processor due to sheer size
Andrew Thomas
Fucking kek
Luis Mitchell
Go away blizzard and dissolve the company
Gabriel Reed
>complain that new game isn’t exactly like old game >get told to play old game >”I DONT WANT TO PLAY AN OLD GAME, I WANT A NEW GAME.”
Leo Jenkins
It actually does in Blizzard games to a certain extent.
Adrian King
Holy fuck this should be bait but I'm picking up an alarming amount of sincerity, hope I'm wrong
Aiden Barnes
are you retarded?
Nathaniel Morales
>he still uses a hdd
Kevin Morgan
ITT smoothbrains dont understand how an economy works
Jonathan Harris
Your definition of good is old games. If developers acted like you wanted, you'd never have had Diablo 2, which departed considerably from Diablo (1). Negative attributes on items? Gone. Negative shrines? Gone. Enemies that permanently diminish stats? Gone. Always on friendly fire? Gone. All classes being allowed to use all items and cast all spells? Gone. Different quests randomly picked for different playthroughs? Gone Etc, etc. Not to mention how Diablo 1 itself departed from roguelikes. Identifying potions? Not anymore. Identifying scrolls? Not anymore. Free heals. Etc.
Nolan Ramirez
>when you go down the stairs you actually do like you would in real life, seamless traveling from one place to another with no skips OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD SO REVOLUTIONARY
Damn, you mean like Titan Quest was doing back in 2006? Wow, Blizzard is really catching up...
Nathan Collins
Wrong. They're complaining that the new game is bad, not that it's dissimilar from the old game. If it being dissimilar is being brought up it's only in the context that the new game is bad and the old game is better.
Apologizing for Blizzard's fuck ups is not something you're going to get clout here for.
Luke Diaz
It "kind" of is when it comes to these kind of games.
Luis Jackson
I have no idea what this means? Are you saying a whole dungeon is loaded and rendered all at once? Why is this so fantastical sounding?
Joseph Gonzalez
Can’t complain about it being bad without playing it.
Luke Sanchez
>get clout here You're on an anonymous anime image board faggot. There is no clout here and just for implying that there is or that your opinion is of any importance, everyone knows you are a retard to be ignored.
Henry Cook
And you can't play it without paying for it. Nice shilling. Blizzard no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, bro. They've been unable to make a good game for a very long time.
Angel Lopez
>walking down the stairs has an animation WOOOOOOOOOOW still excited
Robert Russell
What the fuck is clout?
Christopher Gutierrez
>Female diablo xD. Why is he taking a female shape? He didn't take the shape of dark wanderer in Diablo 2, he took his own shape.
Hunter Campbell
How could anyone expect good things after 3 That game was the definition of soul vs soulless
Austin Rodriguez
In Diablo 2, when you change floors you are interrupted by a short (in today's computers, anyway) loading screen. In Diablo 4 everything will be seamless, including changing acts, as it will all be one giant zone.
I think it's a term rappers use as synonym of fame or social status.
>He didn't take the shape of dark wanderer in Diablo 2, he took his own shape. Diablo 2 Diablo is different compared to Diablo 1 Diablo. He takes a shape based on the host.
Daniel Martin
Diablo in Diablo 1: smol because he took the shape of a child. Diablo in Diablo 2: BIG because he took the shape of the warrior. Diablo in Diablo 3: with vagoo because he took the shape of the warrior's daughter. Diablo in Diablo 4: no Diablo? The one in the pic is Lilith.
Truthfully, this has been semi-retconned over the years. In the original game you were supposed to kill Diablo and that was it, but then Blizzard forced Blizzard North to have the "cycle that never ends" ending.
Ian Martin
I'm the reason why Blizzard keeps fucking up? Explain that to me. Don't try to twist my words. Explain why I am responsible for the shitty decisions Blizzard makes. Deliberately misinterpreting this and moving the goalposts is not going to work.
Hudson Collins
>In Diablo 2, when you change floors you are interrupted by a short (in today's computers, anyway) loading screen. That was only on release. It is instantaneous now. If you were really autistic, you could even mod the game so that every single level directly connects, removing all staircases/cave entrances/whatevers. There is absolutely nothing impressive about seamless level transitioning, it has been a thing for 20+ years.
Connor Reed
That's Lilith dumbass.
Jaxon Perez
That screen only appears when you change acts you fucking retard. Did you ever even play Diablo 2? Your a fucking retard
Bentley Roberts
D4 he could be in his base form as he probably re-materialized in hell when the black soul stone containing his soul was shattered. Same goes for the likes of the other evils captured within it.
Andrew Sanders
I'm curious how Diablo will be tied into Diablo 4. If Lilith consumes the essence of Diablo and Diablo becomes dominant or something.
Sebastian Jenkins
>Can’t complain about it being bad without playing it. >what is research and deduction I'm fairly confident Diablo 4 will be shit considering the absolute state of Blizzard in 2020 what they've shown so far
Levi Barnes
I haven't played the game in about a decade, maybe more.
Carson Myers
If it’s just a way of saying they removed load screens then I am disappointed. You just know they will find a way to choke point the player to high area’s loading in. Just watch these fuckers at shimmy walls, doors that take forever to open, elevators that take excessive amounts of time to arrive, overly long climbing animations, or incredibly extravagant teleportation animations.