X-men vs SF gets more attention than this game, is there a reason why? Did it just not do well?
Why doesn't anyone talk about the first MvC?
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Totally eclipsed by MvC2. Same reason people don't talk about X-Men vs: Street Fighter or Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter outside of Saturn enthusiasts.
I used to play this everyday and the pool hall next to my high school. It was only a quarter and the asian kids hogged the MvC 2 machine.
I remember this and not Sonic Adventure selling me on the Dreamcast because it actually supported the tag system unlike the PlayStation "vs. Capcom" games.
XvSF gets fondly remembered because it was the first crossover, and MvC is forgotten because MvC2 came out a year later and has tonsof memery surrounding it.
the other crossovers were better and MvC2 is still GOAT
Its my favorite MvC, its the one i think of when i think MvC
Xmen vs street fighter is the same game with a better roster.
It was one of my favorite games on arcade that's it until I saw competitive scene in ggpo, after one of those guys did an infinite combo to me I totally dropped it, i play it here and there but never to play it competitively youtu.be
Old ass motherfucker here, back in the day I didn't like it as much compared to MSHvsSF and neither did most of the people at the arcades I used to hang out because:
>Way higher damage values than previous VS games, meaning less bang for your bucks
>Small roster with 3 characters less (2 if you don't count Norimaro) than MSHvsSF
>Removal of several combo possibilities in old characters
>More pushback on all attacks
>Characters people wanted to see in a Capcom VS (since it now was Capcom instead of only SF) ended up as fucking assists