Step aside chokebros, there's a new gal in town

step aside chokebros, there's a new gal in town.

Attached: EYSsFnLU8AE4Qd3.jpg (2048x1431, 370.04K)

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made me reply

not your personal army

dumbass, should have started with this one.

Attached: 1589785181768.png (1326x898, 713.76K)

>have to live through another trend of people doing ugly redrawings of Sailor Moon

Attached: tumblr_inline_moxq3hEzKF1qz4rgp.png (500x388, 195.91K)

imagine being the person who made this

Attached: 1588274087901.png (894x773, 48.03K)

most people drawing these are japanese this time around.

pice VERY related.

Attached: 1589769778210.jpg (1536x1152, 273.17K)

What is it? What's the origination?


I think some pixiv trend that migrated to twitter.