step aside chokebros, there's a new gal in town.
Step aside chokebros, there's a new gal in town
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made me reply
not your personal army
dumbass, should have started with this one.
>have to live through another trend of people doing ugly redrawings of Sailor Moon
imagine being the person who made this
most people drawing these are japanese this time around.
pice VERY related.
What is it? What's the origination?
I think some pixiv trend that migrated to twitter.
Well that explains how it gets around but I mean what is inspiring these?
Like this is the source of God Hand edits.
jap twatters
just post the lewd versions
It's literally just a screencap from the Sailor Moon anime and someone was like "let me redraw it in my style" and it took off.
a couple people did a redraw and it snowballed. jap artist twitter is very connected
Video Games
She is sexy and she knows it.
That's just chibi moon but blond
Sailor Moon sucks and was never good
shit b8
Kys yourself
The Super Famicom beat em ups and fighting games are pretty fun. Jupiter is best character AND best girl. Although, Saturn is broken in the fighting game.
and done by one of the old show animation directors
Quick! You have to claim your senshi before some other user does!
Does anyone have a collection of those done by R18 artists?
It's just Usagi crying this has no comedic value whatsoever
Neither did the choking meme
Fuck you, you got best girl. So I'll go second best.
Best lesbian
Not everything has to be funny.
Yooo look, you can dislike it that's your personal opinio bro. But you can't say it was never good.
now its vidya
I like when JP artists get new memes