Anyone else /fanaticmaterialist/ here?
Anyone else /fanaticmaterialist/ here?
The technocrat announcer is too good not to
That's because Paradox is telling us that the best path to the future is Technocracy.
xenophobe here, exterminatus upon the galaxy soon
Are the battles still "my blob shoots your blob"?
Yes, but forced multiple blobs now
purifier only, there's no other way to expand and not have to house other races on your nice planets
A Technocracy has its drawbacks, since science has many drawbacks when you try to hammer it some place it's not comfortable in like politics. For one, since research is considered the priority of the state, it is invariably a meritocracy where only the smartest thrive, and the dumb (ie anyone that isn't a 150+ IQ hyper autist) become second-class citizens.
For me, its fanatic spiritualist egalitarian.
All are welcome under our holy order.
Except robots.
Fuck robots.
Fanatic materialist and militaristic is the only right choice
>not picking cute look and playing as Fanatic Purifier
To continue my post about purifiers, I started a game as materialist slavers, and, god, keeping order on enslaved planets is such a chore. It feels dirty. I miss my spiritualist fanatic purifier playthrough, everything was so simple and harmonious.
Maybe the future lies in hyper autists and we normies are the inferiors that have to be left behind. If the materialists are right that life is but a chemical reaction then I guess the main imperative is the survival of the species, which hyper autists would likely be most adept at.
when will they finally make leaders worthwhile? i refuse to play the game with a feature that can literally be removed without harming gameplay.
What's wrong with leaders? They basically just get more useful with experience and can have special traits. They're not that expensive, I don't see what the issue is.
My admiral gives like +35% fire rate. For 1 coin per month. Is that not worthwhile to you?
What if they someday introduce CK2 mechanics and each leader or character will behave on their own? Maybe you could make systems and sectors behave as in country vassals in CK2. This could allow better recreating SW or WK40K settings
That would definitely bring some fun to otherwise an extremely repetitive experience that is Stellaris.
Fuck off meatbag
Genocidal Machine Gestalt conciousness only
Nope, I always come back to devouring swarm if I try playing anything else.
how do you fix that user? this genre is all about blobs really
doesnt matter what faction you are. the enemy ai is so fucking dumb you couldn't lose if you wanted to. just build 1 big fleet and the enemy will send tiny 1/10 fleets to you until you win
If the game had Starsector combat I would be a very happy person.
I like forcing civil wars to happen and watch big empires turn into the Space Balkans.
Is this an upgraded Starsector?
Did they ever make the early game fun?
Kinda tired of researching the same techs, having the same events, doing the same thing over and over in every playthrough.
It's a severely downgraded Starsector from the gameplay perspective, as well as from the simulation perspective. It has more text for you to read, if that's your thing.
Civil wars in Stellaris are shit though, since rebels only ever spawn with a single planet and end up as an eysore on the map without actually expanding or having a proper fight with the empire they seceded from
The early game is where things are the most different.
There's a mod that makes rebellions stronger. It gives them bigger fleets, the abilty to spread to other planets, some modifiers to stop the rebel economy from crashing immediately and lets other empires fund the rebels and give them more fleets. The AI is still terrible and civil wars take years to end, but it makes rebels not completely doomed.
I like reading wall of text especially if it's about the game's lore but damn, what a let down.
What mod?
The problem with Stellaris text is that it's all completely unrelated to each other. You get tons of tiny stories and they have absolutely no relation to each other or anything in the game world. When the game was announced, I hoped that they would make up a large, pre-set universe, with its history and whatever and player would pick any nation in it and play it out, like they have in all their grand strategies. Instead, we have this.
I don't know why they don't put CK2 character mechanics into everything. Characters interacting, plotting against each other, creating rivalries or romance... It's a no brainer, yet CK2 is the only game that has it. Hell, even Imperator didn't really have that kind of thing, and Rome was all about the politicking and warring. It's such a good feature, but they don't do anything with it outside of Crusader Kings.
Potent Rebellions. It also adds a unique government for slave revolts and sowing unrest in neighboring planets.
Probably because it's quite complex to implement, and they so far have released just one game with it.